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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


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File: 30000 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (77.29 KB, 469x385) ImgOps

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Like fucking clockwork
>go to the west
>fuck tons of bbcs
>goes back to Bazed mother Russia (after getting filled by the semen of 3000 niggers and having your vagina wide opened
>LARPS as le bazed and redpilled tradwife


kys coombrained faggot


Seething groyper


Do white women really?


Idgaf about russia


least obvious coomer demoralization bait


File: IMG_8687.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (302.01 KB, 1280x779) ImgOps

Nuke russia




File: Skull-Emoji.png πŸ“₯︎ (131.76 KB, 1200x674) ImgOps

Bros flexing a kitchen knife and some chips


Russia is based


File: -8696878299671196717.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (14.25 MB, 464x848) ImgOps


Russians are just niggers but white so it's whatever really


>moved to bait
Can the faggot mod who keeps doing this kill themself?




>moved to bait
What a fucking sissy geeg


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Seethe harder coomer faggot OP


Twp cuckold is seething LOOOOL


File: 517862145491952704.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (9.47 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps

russniggers aren’t white lololol ukroGODS will continue to win


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>moving dissent to /bait/
Now that I know this is an unironic Combine-biased website I know that this website is no longer fun


newGOD hands typed these replies


Mods are unironically pro russian


Get a life lmao


It's russian death


File: a24tinyrumble.gif πŸ“₯︎ (12.8 KB, 57x65) ImgOps

You do guys realize that even if you do abandon your country or have it invaded by LA BAXADE AND RUDDPILLE ROSSIYA you will still be executed by them, right?


Maybe he stayed because the blow job was out of this world


I would whip out my AK-47 doey


le "russian tradwife" in question:

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