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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


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File: wholesome.png 📥︎ (46.18 KB, 468x590) ImgOps


Me and my trans gf are just chilling and having a few drinks. We're going to play some Minecraft later. What are you doing?


Does she have a gyatt?


File: lel.png 📥︎ (409.44 KB, 1416x1346) ImgOps

>moving bait to /bait/


bait so bad that even jannies noticed it lmao


It's not even bait this is what we're actually doing for new years. Why is playing Minecraft bad?


File: 1700158091452.gif 📥︎ (5.17 MB, 450x450) ImgOps

>It's not even bait this is what we're actually doing for new years. Why is playing Minecraft bad?


Nobody looks like that


Your boyfriend does

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