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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


Password (For file deletion.)


Black people aren't the problem
Trans people aren't the problem
Innocent people aren't the problem

Racist are the problem
Pedophiles are the problem
Guilty people are the problem

Get rid of the problems
Don't become them
Make peace and not war



Bump for peace


Up for love




Extremists and unuronic racists and pedos are the problem albeit




I just want peace in this world




Peace and happiness


File: BasedChad.jpg 📥︎ (79.84 KB, 840x473) ImgOps

Something this wholesome being here feels illegal


Bump for kindness


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (165.55 KB, 680x976) ImgOps

>i have no enemies
>except for the nazi incel chudcel racists and transphobes who i FUCKING HATE HATE HATE THEY SHOULD BE THROWN IN PRISON AND RIPPED LIMB FROM LIMB



People that destroy kindness and the world are the worst to exist


Love Bump


Up with kindness and peace




Peace is festive.


Love and joy to the world


>Innocent people aren't the problem
>Guilty people are the problem
How do you define innocent and guilty? Guilty of what exactly?
Something tells me you'll tell me that you believe in some cooky commie bullraisin and everyone who doesn't is Hitler.



I just want peaceful people

And a peaceful world

No violence kek


Peace and love

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