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why dont we date trans women
>low hanging fruit
>trans surgery is getting better
>they will be able to have babys soon
i mean you could always fuck the ass if you dont like how trans vaginas look
i really think they might be the cure for incels


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>why dont we date trans women
>>low hanging fruit
>>trans surgery is getting better
>>they will be able to have babys soon
>i mean you could always fuck the ass if you dont like how trans vaginas look
>i really think they might be the cure for incels


kill your self faggot


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>why dont we date trans women
>>low hanging fruit
>>trans surgery is getting better
>>they will be able to have babys soon
>i mean you could always fuck the ass if you dont like how trans vaginas look
>i really think they might be the cure for incels


She has a point though


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>She has a point though


Trvke, imagine missing out on a free sex slave. You can treat a trans gf like mem treated women 100 years ago and nobody will bat an eye


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>>>5497442 (OP)
>Trvke, imagine missing out on a free sex slave. You can treat a trans gf like mem treated women 100 years ago and nobody will bat an eye


>free sex slave
Die out you fucking coomer


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>>She has a point though


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>>free sex slave
>Die out you fucking coomer


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>why dont we date trans women
>>low hanging fruit
>>trans surgery is getting better
>>they will be able to have babys soon
>i mean you could always fuck the ass if you dont like how trans vaginas look
>i really think they might be the cure for incels


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>>>She has a point though


even doe the average tranny probably can't afford to do any sort of operation (especially in the us)


how much do xers charge?


>especially in the US even doe American insurance covers everything


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>>especially in the US even doe American insurance covers everything


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>>>>She has a point though


Tranny fuckers are more disgusting than faggot fuckers.


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>>>>>She has a point though


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>>>>>>She has a point though


trannies have higher standards and more mentally ill than average femoids + most of troons are transbian


>grinches have higher standards and more mentally ill than average femoids
milk and cookies, tranners want any validation at all and femoids do anything to avoid male attention



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