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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.
Password (For file deletion.)

The schlog is back up at blog.soyjak.st

File: 600px-Though.png 📥︎ (154.86 KB, 600x586) ImgOps


I'm a creator and moderator of several moderately large trans communities across multiple platforms and people from here tried doxxing me several times (with little to no success, which is frankly just laughable considering that I do not practice opsec at all) and I just wanna say to you faggots that you are motherfucking hilarious. I constantly show my trans girl fp soyjak party video archive gems on YouTube, we recently read a webcomic together and read the words "slow-burning bone chilling mystery" and lost our collective shits for about five minutes. I use words like gem and coal in my day to day conversations all the time despite banning anyone in our communities that uses them. I fucking love soyjaks, they are the funniest form of comedy, it's such a shame you're transphobic, I think I would've loved this place if it wasn't for that.


stfu ywnbaw


Really I've listened to Five Nights At Cobson's 1 about twenty times by now. It's so fucking good.


saged the bait
(if it's not I don't care I'm a paranoid piece of shit and I'm pretty sure this is bait)


Yeah this is bait.


File: chud.png 📥︎ (117.41 KB, 600x903) ImgOps

>this is bait



Hello Celestia


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