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did Vaush just BTFO all of /soy/'s 13/50 arguments?


>Explains how people like you aren't interested in solving black issues

>Explains how black crimerates have risen since blacks started to move to poor inner city areas after the Irish and the Italians moved out and that crimerates for blacks were previously low in comparison

>Explains how socioeconomic factors have lead black people to commit more crimes.

>Explains how blacks have been systematically discriminated against

>Explains how US policies both now and in the past have kept blacks down and how joining criminal gangs is sometimes the only way for blacks to prosper in densely populated poor inner city areas

>Explains how sometimes US policies have been constructed to deliberately to hurt black people even after civil rights

>Explains why the fact that blacks commit more crimes isn't sufficient evidence to suggest that it's all genetic

>Everything said in the Video is backed up by extensive research

>Gives concrete solutions on how to fix these issues

Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculus claims about black crime statistics? By all means, watch the whole video, i promise you that you can't debunk it.

>inb4 i get told to shut the fuck up by someone who hasn't watched the video and is triggered by these FACTS

>inb4 oppressing blacks is good

>inb4 bring back slavery

>inb4 anecdotes

>inb4 someone links black crime statistics withput context and without an analisys of WHY blacks commit more crimes

>inb4 cuck

>inb4 flag checks out

>inb4 "muh slide thread"

>inb4 "sage" because /soy/tard is triggered

keep the dicussion on topic and don't do anything that is mentioned above in the inb4 section. You should be open minded and watch the video instead and dicuss it WITH SOURCES.

i'm open to having my mind changed. but only with reliable sources that explain why the numbers are look like they do.


Zoophile coal


posted 28467392018374722 times award


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Vaush Rad


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Vaush will always be rad


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Reminder that vaush won


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Vaush will kill all disgusting chuds. Trust me, nigger.





does someone have the cado copypasta of this?


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did basedjak just BTFO all of 4chans's anti-basedjak arguments?

>Explains how people Iike you aren't interested in creativity

>Explains how /qa/ won
>Explains how socioeconomic factors have led basedjak to become a symboI of creativity
>Explains how 4chan moderators and janitors are trannies while basedjak is not
>Explains how board poIicies both now and in the past have kept basedjak posters down and how posting on the sharty is the only way for jakkers to prosper
>ExpIains how sometimes 4chan policies have been constructed to deliberately to hurt 'jakkers even after the 'jakker rights movement led by /qa/
>ExpIains why the fact that Kuz hasn't bought 4cuck isnt sufficient evidence to suggest that he will never buy 4cuck
>Everything said in the image is backed up by extensive research
>Gives concrete solutions on how to fix these issues

Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculus claims about jakking? By all means, watch the whole image, i promise you that you can't debunk it. cope

>inb4 i get told to shut the fuck up by someone who is triggered by these FACTS

>inb4 you cope
>inb4 "muh stfu"
>inb4 "sage" because 4chan tard is triggered by a different opinion




hi jannies, do you see me ITT?


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