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I actually feel pretty bad about being transphobic after seeing that ableist post
I shouldn't hate on others for their issues when I have my own problems




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Now that's just mean



trvth, as much as i love riffing on trannies i'll admit i've met some pretty cool ones before


There's a reason this website is mostly teenagers


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They aren't magically spared from the impact of your words


no way blud is that the cummer wojak


Marge what's the "child eater legacy" supposed to reference


killing and eating timmy was probably trump's greatest move as president


they aren't cool, they just know people will slap the shit out of them for their bullshit irl unlike on the internet. all gays and faggots are like this.


i've met some cool ones online, most of them are complete assholes though and even the cool ones agree


Do you think the demographic groups you belong to should be judged by their loudest, most extremely online identity-politics obsessed members?


This is how democrats see republicans in their minds



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my only problem is that rats are alive.


This isn't bait faggot mod this was unironic move it back or I'm catty wiping your shit janny tranny board

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