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Don't lie to yourself, you know you would.


why are niggers so stupid?


File: PAV 1 badger tank .jpg 📥︎ (35.88 KB, 500x381) ImgOps

Excellent question that isn't related to the subject matter of this thread good xir.
We're talking about tanks for something.


why are niggers so stupid?


Sometimes i forget im on /bait/ thats just how dusty it gets here


Even doe GuP is gemmy albeit, you should watch it.


This never happened


Very relatable, my GF makes me crossdress while building model tanks with her during the weekends too.


Im Not an anime person


Understandable, if you like learning about armored vehicles you might like it doe.


even doe something like hoi4 would be better than tranime


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>even doe something like hoi4 would be better than tranime


It really isnt (watched the anime + all 4 films + specials + read ribbon warrior + read saga of pravda + read motto love love) the premise is nice, but the execution is mediocre. Yukiyukite is much closer to what it should've been, minus the sexual parts.



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even doe something like hoi4 would be better than tranime


>tank are for girls
Does that Include this?


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Tanks aren't for sissies doe, I like tanks



Find Christ, bro.


I dont fucking know shit about tanks go to a fucking psych ward you sick psycho bitch


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>I dont fucking know shit about tanks go to a fucking psych ward you sick psycho bitch
Okay tankieQUEEN


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I don't really like tanks and I don't like being around foids. Fail.


Take that back, being around Crystal Cafe QUEENS is always a pleasant experience.


>I don't really like tanks and I don't like being around foids. Fail.
Hatch, hatch from your egg NOW TankieQUEEN


I hate women
And I am not that interested in tanks
So no


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I love women
And I am interested in tanks
So yes


>Tanks are for GIRLS
She's right

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