UserScript// @name Sharty Ratio
// @namespace soyjak.party
// @match http*://soyjak.party/*
// @version 1.0
// @author God Tier Wojack
// @description Ratio that nigga
/UserScriptconst modifiers = ["==", "%%", "–", "'", ""];
let done = new Array(20);
let stringSets = {
"Generic": ["holy shit", "holy shiiiit", "holy fuck", "holy fuck.", "fuckin hell", "holy fuckk", "holy fuckkk", "holy fuckkkk", "lfg", "lfggg", "lfgggg", "lfg!", "lfg!!", "lfgg!!!", "w", "dub", "massive w", "huge w", "gigantic w", "massive dub", "huge dub", "another dub", "another w", "gigantic w", "get his ass", "get that nigga", "lets fucking go", "lets fucking gooo", "lets fucking goooo", "lets fucking goooo", "lets fucking go!", "lets fucking go!!", "lets fucking go!!!", "lets fucking go!!!!!", "yo get his ass", "yo get em", "yooo", "yoooo", "yooooooo", "yoooooooooooo", "god damn", "got damn", "god damnnn", "damnnnnn", "own that fraud", "expose that fraud", "lets gooo", "lets gooooo", "let's goooooo", "keyed", "keyed af", "holy keyed", "gem", "massive gem", "gemerald", "wem", "huge gem", "gigantic gem", "sharty saving gem", "diamond", "sharty saving diamond", "up", "go up", "go the fuck up", "up up up", "go tf up", "'chup", "own that fraud", "get they ass", "beat his ass", "kill that nigga", "can't stop winning", "we cant stop winning bros", "diamonderald", "btfo", "eternally btfo", "zamn", "zamnnn", "holy based", "based af"],
"Ongezellig": ["another zellig w", "
zelliggang", "another mymy victory", "maya win", "coco victory", "zellig go up", "upzellig", "bumozellig", "zellig up", "ongezellig go up", "gemzellig up", "bumo upzellig", "keyedzellig", "winzellig", "zellig w", "zellig dub", "mymy win", "mayagang win", "
cocogang victory", "zwabag", "god tier zelligjak", "diamondzellig go up", "winzellig up", "godzellig go up", "ongezellig bumo ", "vera dub", "vera w", "godzellig dub", "godzellig w", "zelliggang dub", "#massagang w", "tentical porn win", "she won", "she fucking won", "she cant stop winning"],
"Cob": ["another cob w", "
cobgang", "another gemson victory", "gemson win", "gemson victory", "gemson up", "god tier wojack", "gem tier godjack", "cobby up", "cobby go up", "godson up", "upson", "keyedson", "winson", "cob w", "cob dub", "cobby win", "cobgang win", "
cobgang victory", "hwabag", "god tier winjack", "diamondson go up", "winson up", "gemson go up", "godson go up", "gemson dub", "gemson w", "godson dub", "godson w", "cobgang dub", "#cobgang w", "cobwin", "he won", "he fucking won", "he cant stop winning"],
"Trans": ["trans rights", "trans fucking rights", "trans rights won", "sisters…", "trans rights w", "trans rights dub", "trans folx won", "w trans rights", "trans rights go up", "transphobes btfo", "transphobes destroyed", "trans rights victory", "w for trans rights", "trans victory", "transerald", "trans diamond", "bump up the trans", "uptrans", "sisters go up", "upsis", "trans top", "estrogem", "estrogemerald", "bumpstrogen", "topstrogen", "winstrogen"],
"chud":["1488","fuck niggers","kill all blacks","kanye 2024","dial eight","-ACK!","sieg heil!","jews","media is kiked","goyslop","hang yourself troon","the west has fallen","back to /leftypol/","amerimutt","women are made for rape"]
let targetPosts = [];
let sets = [stringSets["Generic"]];
setInterval(() => {
document.querySelectorAll(".button.alert_button").forEach(e => e.click());
if (targetPosts.length == 0 || sets.length == 0) {
let post = "";
targetPosts.forEach(p => post += `>>${p}\n`);
let effect = "";
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
effect = modifiers[Math.floor(Math.random() * modifiers.length)];
post += effect;
let strings = sets.flat();
stringsLength = strings.length;
let found = false;
while (!found) {
text = strings[(Math.floor(Math.random() * stringsLength))];
if (!done.includes(text)) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
text = text.toUpperCase();
post += text;
found = true;
post += effect;
document.querySelector("form[name=post] textarea#body").value = post;
document.querySelector("form[name=post] input[value*='Reply']").click();
}, 12000);
function addRatioButton(post) {
post.querySelector(".intro").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="ratio" postNumber="${post.getElementsByClassName("post_no")[1].textContent}">[Ratio]</a>`);
let options = Options.add_tab("ratio", "gear", "Ratio").content[0];
let optionsHTML = "";
for ([key, value] of Object.entries(stringSets)) {
optionsHTML += `<input type="checkbox" id="ratio-${key}" name="${key}"><label for="ratio-${key}">${key}</label><br>`;
options.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", optionsHTML);
options.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]").forEach(e => {
e.addEventListener("change", e => {
sets = [];
options.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]:checked").forEach(c => sets.push(stringSets[c.getAttribute("name")]));
e.checked = e.getAttribute("name") == "Generic";
const updateObserver = new MutationObserver(list => {
list.forEach(node => {
if (node.addedNodes[0].nodeName == "DIV") {
updateObserver.observe(document.querySelector(".thread"), {
childList: true
[…document.getElementsByClassName("post")].forEach(e => {
document.addEventListener("click", e => {
let t = e.target;
if (t.classList.contains("ratio")) {
if (t.textContent == "[Ratio]") {
t.textContent = "[Unratio]";
} else {
targetPosts = targetPosts.filter(p => p != t.getAttribute("postNumber"));
t.textContent = "[Ratio]";