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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

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File: Chudcel1.png 📥︎ (65.06 KB, 515x955) ImgOps


>I am not an incel I am groyper chudjak self insert based nazi volcel


yep issa /lgbt/ tranny




none of this words makes sense together, someone can be etremely racist but not hate women, me for example, i despise black people, but i will never ever say the n word because i'm extremely respectful human, i don't hate women at all, i think they're okay ?


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Malding incek detected




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File: Oekaki (1).png 📥︎ (30.93 KB, 499x453) ImgOps

>yep issa /lgbt/ tranny


tranny hands drew this


File: Troon.png 📥︎ (52.92 KB, 768x719) ImgOps

>>I am not an incel I am groyper chudjak self insert based nazi volcel


chad hands drew this


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (340.06 KB, 1059x1100) ImgOps

 ITT: We post chudjak self insert groyper gemmies


oh is that where these fags are coming from?
makes sense


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (229.85 KB, 1058x928) ImgOps


File: skibdi.mp4 📥︎ (2.83 MB, 360x642) ImgOps

 self insertGODS won




I look kike this.




the ones where he's a heckin' alpha gigachad mogger with a huge jaw are dust, the whole point of self-inserting as chudjak is because trannies want you to feel insulted by being portrayed as the ugly chud but you find it funny instead, making him look attractive just makes it look like cope

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