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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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Kill all mammalianforms. Fuck synapsids. Btw fuck marsupials, plancentaria and monotremes. Lizards are OG. KKK we never lose.

Time to cleanse this world of the retarded ones.


Mammal lives are worth the same as fickle matter
SHt up mammal I dont give a fuck about creatures of other bodies why dont you go fuck a hyena when its hot outside i cant even see ya


too many synapsids with slinty eye sockets
blow them away with massive reptile rockets
kill synapsid so they dont spread their retarded spperms
cut their fucking heads.
i hate retards


Reptile posts always reek of tranny twitter


your history is sad and keeps getting sadder.
The only thing you created is retardation
BH BH we wuz rats
You were nothing but rodents, and nothing has changed
I've had enough of your chatter, your myths will be shattered
Rat lives have never mattered

A long time ago as the stars were wrestling for attention
Tetonic plates carried some mammalianforms to another dimension
Thin-skinned bitches skirmished with their reptiles
Nowadays propaganda posters plastering the Palogene disaster.
History's bleeding, being whipped in the back with the lies
That rats are glorious rodents or that it is reptiles are bad guys
Watch the years flow by like a stream of black corpses
Turn your mind's eye and find what's left of what hasn't been justified
Turn the sundial back in time, let's begin with the basics
An overbearing burden of theirs, but they don't have to face it
The base of the Permian extinctions lacing the pangea with shit-face tariff
Living space uptaken by some fucking dirty rats so we created a way of symbiotic relationship
History lesson's in session, packs of rats survived a few deaths
By selling their own to some reptilian feed, while the survivors fucked your wives
They were like how I was, not giving a fuck about some lower class shrews
And when the rodents ran amok they were capped and consumed as food
You're probably assuming that it was all dark gloom and doom looming over
'Cause that's the truth, mammals were not capable to supply their own with food
They hadn't ever been smart enough to run their own packs
Burning themselves to the ground with a lack of bipedal mechanisms and powerful jaw bites
Energy was nonexistent until the extinction when some rat whores
Ran out of their living hives for their lives and in 66 mya
That's the year time went backwards and the gods got the blame
Over to Holocene, and the story's stayed the same

You were always worth less than thefickle matter.
The only thing you created is retardation
BH BH we wuz rats
You were nothing but rodents, and nothing has changed
I've had enough of your chatter, your myths will be shattered
Rat lives have never mattered


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A peaceful melody rocks white scales back and forth, almost like a light breeze
Reptiles lynching rodents in the back is just a daily routine
Keys to what you need to see locked away behind closed doors
Let's turn the world back some more, before Desert Storm but after 64
Human rights are fake news, perpetuated, conducted, orchestrated by the jews
Eutherians and cynodoonts under the influence that they belong here, they want to shovel up fear
As the government shovels up rodents throwing Molotov cocktails
Like shews they wheep, but the tectonic plantes will force change of shift
Let me ask you a question (What?)
If you had the option would you burn down thousands of calories and energy before shit starts happening
In warmer winter And your metabolism slowly kills you (Nah)
Just as expected, give me the ink, I'll write another lesson
Here's something they all wanna be digressing
They all heat up their bodies before getting heart torn from the pumps
But they ain't just fighting heat thermoregulation, they be fighting each other
Raping their own sisters and brothers, smothering themselves in fur as it's all they have left
The left wanna protect these eutherian when they've done nothing great to the world, known for lots of homosexual buttsex
Causing social unrest, so take your guess who's out of breath
Answer is me, I'm killing mammaliaties, closing down the store of cenozoic stories
Taking a trip down memory lane in the frozen rain, almost like ice
It'd be nice to relive what was once life for the Reptiles
But now we're under persecution, now we're violent
Now we're all in a bubble shouting the truth, praying for Entropy to take back destiny.

I'll serve your head on a silver platter
The only thing you created is retardation
BH BH we wur ratz
You were nothing but rodents, and nothing has changed
I've had enough of your chatter, your myths will be shattered
Rat lives have never mattered




not enogugh scientific evidence.


Blackhawk is a reptoid confirmed


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delusional therian faggot thinks he's anything but a human, as expected from /an/
your parents don't love you and you don't even have a job or a diploma


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enough evidence to prove that reptoids are stuck in evolutionary inertia and will never dominate the world again(peer reviewed fact)


It’s Blackhawk, how stable do you think he is?




FelineGODS don't have this problem.
You want to know who keeps reptiles? Niggers from the 70s.
You want to know who keeps felines? The original fucking aryans, as they made their pilgrimage to Europe. They fucking brought wildcats with them to the point we just call them domestic because we like them that much. That's metal, beat that, mr died in an asteroid crash


>but the tectonic plantes will force change of shift
Tell that to the mountain lions that live in California
>Taking a trip down memory lane in the frozen rain, almost like ice
Lynx and Snow Leopard GODS cuck you here, because they can actually stay active in snow, being fucking snow leopards and all. I'd like to see a goddamn lizard be as fast as the average canadian lynx in canada
>The only thing you created is retardation
Reptile creations: dying from an asteroid
Feline and hominid creations: the sharty
niggersoars 0, aryans won
>we wuz rats
and now we're hyperborean felines
>You were nothing but rodents, and nothing has changed
Felines and rodents are completely different albeit
>Rat lives have never mattered
cat lives matter, just like white lives
>Thin-skinned bitches skirmished with their reptiles
at least mr aryan migration strategy here survives asteroids
>And when the rodents ran amok they were capped and consumed as food
by FelineARYANERLDS, not your incompetent fucknigger asses, you literally got cucked in your own fucking strata by a class of flying animals adopting felineCHAD vascular/metabolic systems and brains (the bird)
>Burning themselves to the ground with a lack of bipedal mechanisms and powerful jaw bites
Ok, get into a fight with a pride of lions. I fucking dare you, lizard. Or survive getting nuked from orbit by hominids
Our feline overlords cuck you. I, on the other hand, will be going to agartha with these purring angels of reptile destruction, and reaching new, ARYAN heights


>They hadn't ever been smart enough to run their own packs
dumb fucking nigger reptiles dont even have packs the concept of packs, prides and tribes is something of canines felines and hominids
>You were nothing but rodents, and nothing has changed
>t. filtered by purring
>they want to shovel up fear
sure as fuck that shit gets everywhere after you get eaten by a goddamn chicken
>they be fighting each other
>t. literally incapable of experiencing compassion, unlike even solitary fucking bobcats
>Entropy to take back destiny.
too bad FelineGODS are effective at living, which is an inherently negentropic process, chickenfood


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>lack of bipedal mechanisms
Emus do it better cause they have sane FUCKING cardiovascular systems for being active, which by the way, is a mammalian style system, just like your average panther or fox, unlike you retards which gotta LARP as a solar panel half the day
Also, literally your only successful reptillian today besides literal chickenfeed is a quadruped (alligators and crocodiles)
Quadrupeds can also go faster (picrel) and don't have to balance
The reason to even fucking go bipeda is either stamina or tool-making and you don't have either seeing as your cardiovascular and respiratory systems would fucking doom you if it got too warm too cold too sunny too stormy too bright too dark too windy or too calm, and reptiles are LITERALLY one of the most retarded animals out there


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oh wait my dick is 13 inches.

how is this peer-reviewed? The only thing that is peer-reviewed is that you are eating manure.https://lilyvolt.com/are-there-bugs-in-food-edible-insects

Yeah, thank you. We did survive.

You also die from cancer and constantly masturbate to fictional character.

you identify yourself as feline? That explains why youre a zoophile. Interspecies sex is the opposite of anything purity-related. Although, rat pretends to be pure but we all know you want to be fucked by 20 inch black dicks.

From amount of seething, I have succeeded immensely:)


>you identify yourself as feline?
dumb nigger faggot reptillian, of course you make the ESLerald-est of all ESLeralds here
>Yeah, thank you. We did survive.
as chickenfeed
>From amount of seething, I have succeeded immensely:)
>t. entire thread seething about an asteroid


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This you?


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>t. prey for literally every kind of feline out there from bobcats to ocelots to servals to african and asiatic wildcats and even domestic cats


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This is what happens to Blackhawk when he browses the sharty


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squamasissies and mammaloids have nothing on BirdGODS



You should actually fucking kill yourself bro. Sabertooth tigers and gorginopsids are so much cooler that raptors. Seethe over that fact you reptocucks will never grow big scary fangs



>Fuck synapsids
>posts synapsid
Holy pathetic


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>Kill all mammalianforms. Fuck synapsids. Btw fuck marsupials, plancentaria and monotremes. Lizards are OG. KKK we never lose.

>Time to cleanse this world of the retarded ones.


i look like this fr no cap

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