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/an/ - Animals & Nature

for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.


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what's your favorite animal?




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>what's your favorite animal?


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OP here im a slut for Big Soy Cock


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and dats on church


I like elephants, they're neat.


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i ain't ask for no medal sucka


Lamas are cool asf ngl


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>asf ngl


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If I had the means for it, I would love to have a capuchin monkey. They are lovely and it would make me very happy to give one a wonderful life, free from danger.


not an animal


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aryan animal


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I like that they are extremely powerful creatures but also highly intelligent and calm towards humans


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gorillas/apes are literally just hairy people they are so fucking smart. primates like them shouldnt be kept in a fucking concrete box or something.


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Cats and my favorite cat breed is British shorthair because they're fatttttt


this is true or whatever


cheeeken waif


these little fuckers are not aryan animals, take your meds immediately


reddit animal




Not reddit but titcuck


women are my least favorite animal




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either the majestic hyperborean nigga or mr fastman


lizard mixed with bird dna.


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i hope these stupid fucking reddit rats go extinct




i saw a really big monitor lizard once


squirrels nigga


You are a nigger. You have brown -green shit coloured skin. You have yellow sclera. Your blood floats like oil on water. Your skin inherently stinks like shit.


Your mom


dangerously based


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