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/an/ - Animals & Nature

for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.


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make a roster for board clash
so far there's poog and soyfish


what if you used the squirreljak, xe's more iconic methinks


already taken by /soy/


anyway add beaver to the roster




how many characters does the roster need again?


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23. So far we have 5.


jannies hate catjak so you will be probably acked if you add it, but I think it would be really funny to see him score or something
also add grey squirreljak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_FH-FMJJL8
and axolotl because I think he's cool or something >>353


i'll swap out catjak if we can find a gemmier 'jak once the team is full


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> board clash


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Current roster


what about the aryan bunny and his nigger wife


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Nusoiteen twitmigrants don't know about the 'uffer



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Where are the late kuz era reps? Is OP a literal newshit toddler?


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>no cockworm


>no romanian puppy


>no chimpjak


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add xim




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add wizard poog

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