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so I was at some park in Massachusetts called Webb State Park and I found this, I can't figure what this is, so if any chuds can figure it out lmk


That is a fish


2nded, you can see the fins

Use one of those AI identification apps to know for sure


File: 20230422_190340.jpg 📥︎ (4.4 MB, 4080x3060) ImgOps

File: 20230422_190409.jpg 📥︎ (4.41 MB, 4080x3060) ImgOps

File: 20230422_190336.jpg 📥︎ (4.31 MB, 4080x3060) ImgOps

File: 20230422_190359.jpg 📥︎ (4.68 MB, 4080x3060) ImgOps

I found this shit in the ditch in front of my house. I wonder what it was…


either cat or raccoon


i kind of figured, i just didn't know what kind of fish could be so big


its in the hingham bay area of the boston harbor, and idk what fish in that area is that big


I think its a tuna of some sort

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