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/an/ - Animals & Nature

for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.


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I was picking blueberries in a power line corridor a couple months ago at night. I was crouched down with my phone flashlight in one hand and a berry box in the other one, looking for blueberries in the undergrowth. Oddly there were very few compared to what I saw when I checked earlier in the season, but I payed it no mind.
So I'm picking berries and all the sudden I hear a rustling like a couple meters away from me, I shoot up with my light to see what it is, and I see a fat ass racoon staring at me, before immediately going back to doing the same thing I came to do. I then realized where all the berries went, and decided to get a closer look at him before I left. Once he saw that he had my full attention though, he walked of into the treeline and climbed a tree.

Also one time I poked my head in a tree hollow and there was a racoon at the top of it looking at me

are racoons aryan?


high iq beast




they cant be aryan if they're fat doe


Killyouself, underage tinydicked faggot.

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