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File: cringey.jpg 📥︎ (10.32 KB, 214x235) ImgOps


If furrys want to be animals, that means they should not have human rights?


File: IMG_9771.png 📥︎ (23.85 KB, 255x252) ImgOps

retard we dont


File: IMG_9767.jpeg 📥︎ (21.11 KB, 339x291) ImgOps

>If furrys want to be animals, that means they should not have human rights?>


that would be transhumanists though


underage nigger post


furrycord didn't like this post


furrycord didn't like this one at all


Antifurcord got pinged


Furcord in damage control and also trying to control the narrative (again)


This excluded human rights included being a gem btw


what if im a furry but dont want to be an animal and dislike fursuits


File: rock plire.png 📥︎ (791.6 KB, 835x611) ImgOps



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