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File: Tyrannosaurus.jpg 📥︎ (691.7 KB, 2500x1250) ImgOps

File: smilodon.jpg 📥︎ (272.84 KB, 810x468) ImgOps


post gemmy paleoart


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Nobu tamura (japanese wikipedia paleoart guy) will always be a gem


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which side you on?


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>Joschua Knüppe
>Emily Willoughby
>Bob Nicholls
>MicheleTheSea a.k.a. puntou
>Julio Lacerda
>Franz Anthony


Oh, and how could I forget
>Rodrigo Vega


I literally don't know any of these people.


You're lucky


tsmt xes leftist asf
shes like a nazi or something now, trannies hate her, also she made dino porn once
>julio lacerda
no idea but amazing art doebeit
>the rest
i dont remember their names


>Julio Lacerda
Yeah, now that I think about it, he makes some nice art, but I always see it featured on videos made by E.D.G.E. and TreytheFAGGOT. Plus the taco nigger name.
>Bob Nicholls
He also appears on lots of E.D.G.E. and GaytheEXPLAINER videos. He also made that Psitacosaurus ass drawing.
>Rodrigo Vega
He's well known for drawing a spinosaur with a trunk, that eventually lead to the Spinofaarus vegatiacus joke.


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Edge and Trey are fags but its unfair to call people who made art they occasionally use fags aswell
Trey, despite being a faggot, makes great videos.
Edge however, pisses me off! God i hate it when xe unironically says redditor shit like "chonk". Other than regurgitating scientific papers and paleoart, xe made one brimstone video called "T-REX IS A SYMBOL OF TOXIC MSCULINITY AND I CAN PROVE IT" which was a pointless rant about how the heccin cishet white men like Tyrannosaurus(an objectively awesome animal), it's deleted now thoughbeit.



he literally word for word plagiarised some dudes blog as a script for one of his videos too


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