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/an/ - Animals & Nature

for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.


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A fox killed one of my hens. I’m gonna trap him. What do I do with the fox, /soy/?


put xim in a cage and only feed xim soylent


Be careful when you mention foxes here there are a few freaks on /qa/ who want to rape them.




as a furgod I don't condone this, but if you wanna turn him into a hat or something that's fair game at this point.


post a picture of the fox


farmerGOD go up


L bozo #packwatch


Just painlessly kill the fox don't torture it or anything animals can't rationally think they are led by their instincts only


Idgaf. He killed my Peroni and let her bleed. I’m making that nigger into a hat.


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>Just painlessly kill the fox don't torture it or anything animals can't rationally think they are led by their instincts only


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He got her while she was drinking


Go dilate


cut his head off and post a picture


I’m considering it


>Being kind to animals is trannycore even doe Hitler was too


This ain’t an animal, it’s a pest.


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do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it


I mean shit man imma set the trap either tonight or tomorrow.


yes do this that fat selfish foxkike can't stay runnin' around killing henGODs


I’ll be waiting with my 10/22



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I can't wait to see that fucker's head


I will when I get him


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Kill it quickly and humanely


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>Kill it quickly and humanely


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>>Kill it quickly and humanely


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>>>Kill it quickly and humanely


Hell naw. He didn’t kill my Peroni quickly or humanely.


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>>>>Kill it quickly and humanely


Yeah but it's a predator, you're a human. Torturing animals is nigger behavior, only brownoids and psychos do that for no reason.


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>>>>>Kill it quickly and humanely


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>>>>>>Kill it quickly and humanely


Too bad. It has to learn. I have plenty of reason.


even doe aryan


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>>>>>>>Kill it quickly and humanely


It won't learn a thing, this is simply its nature
Honorary nigger if you torture an animal


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>>>>>>>>Kill it quickly and humanely


I care not.


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>Torture animal
>Get free lifetime n-word pass


Whatever, you should of course kill it but you shouldn't do weird psycho shit. Deal with the guilt then. You will feel it.


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>no is simply nature don't take revenge leave the pest alone goyim
>if you do this then you are a nigger so behave goy
>oy vey you still gonna do it then b-but what about muh guilt


you evil pieces of shit, have mercy on the poor animal


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<You should kill it but quickly and get it over with


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>oy vey what about that poor animal that fucked up your entire farm think of the nature goyim


just kill it if you find it
but more importantly make it so it cant happen again


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>It is le jooish to care about nature



With death. Exactly


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>caring about nature and muh environment and muh climate change and how much I'm gonna have to pay because everytime I breath it releases c02 therefore a tax must be payed


Exactly. She was my second to last hen. This has been happening consistently. No more bullshit. I'm killing that nigger.


"animal" that thing is even lower


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>Not torturing small animals is le carbon tax credits WEF blablabla


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>obsessing over a guy wanting to kills some random pest


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>just kill it quick and painlessly


samefag award


Keep it as a pet or some shit


Once more, I will reiterate. Not an animal. It does not deserve that title.


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Are you retarded?


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>goy I just got a new idea what if you kept it and made it a pet even doe everytime it sees you it will try to bite you


Even doe le differentfag


source ?


<Simply kill it
>Duhhh You want to make it le pet?!!


Snopes debunked it


It's doing what animals routinely do. If you do what you are planning, you will be less than human


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>>obsessing over a guy wanting to kills some random pest




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Idgaf. It has made my life harder personally as my other hen seldom lays eggs any more, therefore now I will have to actually pay for eggs.


>aaah it feels great to tell people how to treat an animal(pest) because of muh nature and shiet while also never stepping foot in a farm in my entire life oy veeeey


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Was raised on a farm, I've put down plenty of animals. You're just a octaroon hick


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>No arrow


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>yeeees goyim just trvst the plan don't kill da fox it will definitively not come back to fuck you in the ass or anything


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<Just kill it, don't do weird stuff with it first


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I'm sorry about your chicken OP


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>yeess goyim take your meds don't behead the pest
give up kike the man's already decided the nigger's fate


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Hence why I am going to kill that foxnigger


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Okay just don't torture it and be a weird little chudcel freak about it friendo


dumbass of course he will keep crying kike


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>dumbass of course he will keep crying kike


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>oy vey the goyim is still gonna behead the fox quick spam soiquotes to try to make him change


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>Oy gevalt they're spamming soiquotes on the sharty?! SHUT IT DOWN!!!


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behead the fox


>Quick and humane execution method


Cut his balls before cutting the head


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>This isn't an animal, it's a pest


Xhe was trans, already has xer balls cut off. What now chuddie


Penis ?


ofc i will


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This isn't an animal, it's a pest


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>This isn't an animal, it's a pest


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This isn't an animal, it's a pest


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>This isn't an animal, it's a pest


This isn't an animal, it's a pest




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> This isn't an animal, it's a pest


Decapitated fox head when ?


All the mexicans wishing death upon a majestic woodland creature because it killed a soulless robot automoton chicken.


OP, trap it, restrain it, then lob its head off with an ax.

Tis human nature to be vengeful. We are simply following our lives as the fox and hen did theirs.


Never. The fox raped and killed and ate the soi¢u¢k.


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This has happened to me before, simply give the fox to a zootopia fan


give it to a furry gooner

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