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why is every animal in the oceania region such a retarded genetic failure


A10 aryan in the third picture


they are truly inferior in the animal kingdom, that's why when rabbitBVLLs and foxBVLLs came to Australia they absolutely dominated them like weak tranimals


Kiwi is plump and round. He is nice.


The year is 2045. The Australian continent lives under PlACENTAL RULE. All marsupial males are sissified. Marsupial women live to serve PLACENTAL KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to Australia's EVTHERIAN FUTURE.


Because their predators are far and few between


its because the entirety of oceania is just fucking islands and they have little to no natural predators, well until animals imported from other places by people came and killed all of the native animals


Cursed continent


They actually travelled there 500 years ago by boat


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Opinion rejected.


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The soywabbits and the soyfoxes all instantly shit and coom their pants when they see the KANGABVLL

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