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File: IMG_3395.jpeg 📥︎ (461.55 KB, 750x1035) ImgOps


My favorite is the orangutan


I like chimpanzees


athiestcord rushing into this thread to say "humans"


File: Marge.png 📥︎ (97.87 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

My great grandad was a orangutan




GODrillas obviously
don't insult apes nigga


have fun getting your face ripped apart because the chimp decided to go chimpty chimp niggery WOO mode




No proof for god doe


File: pongoish.png 📥︎ (154.39 KB, 1081x800) ImgOps

'rangs, 'rillas, and 'ibbons will always be a gem, ch*mps will always be coal




Gorillas the fathers love their children, unlike niggers


>No proof for god doe

>mfw God is shrewd to the arrogant and makes himself known to the humble


bonobos and orangutans are my favorite apes


homo magister


telepathic gorillas as a close second


There is no such thing as telepathic gorillas meds now




faggot coomer monkeys



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