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literally me!


why do trannies love feathered dinosaurss


I thought that only baby t-rexes had feathers


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trannies and bolshevik kikes like to invert nature in an attempt to spite and mock god (who they hate). its a kabbalistic subversion. pic related


triggered the tranjan award


It is literally a BBC


hecking science


Trannysaurus Rex


that dinosaur thing looks disgusting, glad it's dead otherwise my pants would've been soiled. Rip.


Actual mental illness.
There is absolutely zero (0) fossil evidence that any member of Tyrannosauridae had feathers, least of all Tyrannosaurus rex; every preserved Tyrannosauridae integument impression we've discovered thus far has been patches of scaly skin (read: not feathers). At BEST, you can theorize that they may have had a smattering of vestigial peach fuzz due to sharing an LCA with some feathered proceratosaurids, but this is purely conjecture (aka HEADCANON).


>there's absolutely zero evidence
source: ia m fucking angry and didnt take pills REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


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>especiially TYRANOSAURUS REX! 'cause he heckin fcool!


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there is no evidence even though tyranosasurus habitated in very cold climate in alaska?


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>they just did ok?!

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