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troons really be lapring as dionsaurs now


Dionsaurs are not real


And they all died out
What did they mean by this?


This will make ((( someone's))) cltty leak


Troons are such a disgusting and pathetic race that they can only feel better if fictional character or dead species/people supported them that in reality would have called for ttd


holy autism


dinosaurs would support ttd?


Yes they would, every dinosaur would kill a tranny if they could


Of course they would, they'd fucking eat anything alive




Why the fuck did you move it here of all places bro? I just don't understand man!


>feathered depiction
that was allways tranny to begin with THOUGH


by that logic they would support total aryan death


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I don't know why troons are so obsessed with "scientiffically accurate" dinos (as well as speculative evolution). It has more troons than even analog horror and biblically accurate angels. But I don't know what makes it such slop for autistic troons, what's the through-line connecting it to biblically accurate angels, undertale, etc.

But I can sense some of that pretentious redditor energy.

>To be fair, you have to have a very high I.Q. to understand that le dinos had feathers, unlike those addlepated simpletons who've only heard of Jurassic Park, like my allegedly toxic masculine trump-supporting dad whom mom divorced when I was little so she could get his child support!

This gets to the point where they misrepresent dinos. They're known as "feathernazis" to dinosaur fans.

>Some dinos had feathers? Then it means Ankylosaurus was fluffier than a bird!

>Some modern herbivores occasionally eat small birds(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3NOhQlPGAU), therefore herbivorous dinosaurs ate carnivorous ones.
>Some animals are albino, therefore it's not weird if I only draw albino dinosaurs.
>I've seen baby lions playing once, therefore predatory animals actually spent their time playing rather than being predators.

When they don't paint dinosaurs as adorable and/or majestic, they paint them as super fucked up with snoods and warts and other caruncles. And they don't even look ugly in a cool way, like a monster from the Witcher games or from Dark Souls. They just look stupid.

In other words, it's the novelty fallacy. They claim that depictions of dinosaurs that are edgy and novel are accurate not because of proof (otherwise they'd be more conservative in their depiction), but because they're novel for its own sake.

I hate these people. And Trey "the EXPLAINER" Swenton perfectly encapsulates this.



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Why dont you go back to >>>/an/ make those velociraptor feathers into some rope and hang yourself with it.


Dinosaur sex gif


i think its that having the dinosaurs be feathered and deformed is a metaphor for transitioning… also fuck trey the explainer


every dinosaur thread on 4cuck is the most mentally ill schizophrenic shit ive ever read, to the point where i almost die laughing every time i try to scroll through one. i can hardly tell whos being sincere and whos baiting.


>Trey "the EXPLAINER"
why is he so reddit



I guess they relate to being apex predators.


They larp as feathered dinosaurs because they're trying to claim anything that could be considered cute.


Troonasaurus rex


Maybe they wanna fuck em idk



But women don't find dinosaurs to be cute. Not unless they're autistic, maybe… HAVE I FOUND OUT THE ANSWER!?



He's actually a tranny who likes jojo, there's your answer. I'm not a burger, but I assume he comes from the northeast judging by the fact that he's seen horseshoe crab molts in that one video (which you don't see on the west coasts), n' awlso he don't have no rootin' tootin' ranch acsunt, so he's probably not from florida or virgina or whatever the fuck, he's probably from the north-east, where you have judaic hotspots like new york.


Trannies have nothing to do with hobbies.

A person might like a dinosaur, they might like good beer, they might like an ice cream. Troons will come to desolate every single thing.

That's what the trannies do. It doesn't matter if it was calm beforehand.

This fucking debate is over. Learn Biology.


Of course they would identify with extinct animals.


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> extinct animal


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There are subjects that draw in more trannies than usual thoughbeit.

Not many troons discuss camels. However, plenty of troons discuss axolotls. Nothing inherently transgender in admitting that many non-avian dinosaurs had feathers. But I think we need to admit that paleo twitter sucks more ass than other communities.


kys chuddist


The palaeontology community has gone so fucking troony in the last few years


Only good part about it is the few good artists and the insanely small minority of actual palaeontologists on it. The rest is just looney troons injecting zog approved politics into their shitty procreate dinosaurs drawings


It's ironic how paleonerds are into a subject that involves scientific topics like evolution and biology and yet a big part of them are troons, it doesn't make any sense


Just started


garbage thread but this is true >>1424



1488… erm… you do realise thats an alt right dog whistle right?


Holy autist. I think we got a lolcow

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