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A banner for soyjak.party

/an/ - Animals & Nature

for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.


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File: giga feline.jpg 📥︎ (26.11 KB, 474x581) ImgOps


>hijacks the human empathy region in the brain with child-like proportions as juvenile, making you buy it
>"j-just go and purchase jew pet food and accessories for 16 years bro!"
>shitting on the floor
>brings dead hiv infected animals inside
>disappears for three weeks
are cats the ultimate jews or just skilled exploiters of human nature?


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they are affectionate cute and useful


toxoplasmosis has already won I see


animals cant have HIV retard


its literally called HUMAN immuno whatever


only women and redditors like these selfish animals


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y wnbaw mutt


sage negated


sage ywnbaw


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>Moved to >>>/an/1330.
holy gaylord didn't even know we have this dead useless board


ayo that crazy bro

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