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The crocs


Or the rats


the hunter, and 10,000 rats to create a defensive perimeter with their boLet your heart be bright!s


3 bears and a hunter


Eagles and rats


The man, because hes larger than the sun, and the eagles so that they can scout for the man




10 crocodiles and 5 gorillas.
Gorillas can crush rats, catch eagles (and crush them), they can kill 10 wolves (they're between 300 and 500 pounds, lol).
Crocodiles can kill man (bullets can't kill a fucking crocodile), crocodiles the legs of buffaloes and wolves,
I would say there are 6 crocodiles to fight the lions, they can win. .



There are too many eagles, gorillas can't kill them all, and the eagles can blind gorillas with their claws


depends on location tho


You have to be a retard to pick anything other than rats+eagles


Source? Peer-reviewed study?





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