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Is anyone here interested in ornithology?
Here's a picture of a Great crested grebe, one of my favorite birds from my local lake


There are two but whatever


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I fucking love birds, grebes are cool as hell
Check this: the white-throated dipper
They be small, but still swim upward rapids and stuff, love watching 'em


>great crested grebe
Look, I've been interested with the sexual selection of animals, but on the most part, sexual selection is mostly determined by looks (see https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40806-017-0106-8 and koinophilia)


Don't have them near me, instead I have two species of cormorant near my lake(I cisheart aquatic birds)


They are those I prefer too, I suck at actual bird watching between trees so /merry/ birds on water are le good


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Frigatebird will always be a gem

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