Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 03:38:40 № 62079 Quote
nobody is fighting
Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 03:38:59 № 62083 Quote
>>62076 >>62074 obsessed amerimutt talking about his favorite things, sucking on a black dick. Kill yourself
Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 03:39:15 № 62087 Quote
>>62083 >>62084 built for bibisi
Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 03:43:33 № 62102 Quote
the only people kvetching over animeposters are actual whoknowswhere immigrants who have no knowledge of our culture and are only here for le incomprehensible woahyaks so feel the need to do some epic gigachad chudlarp crusade to fit in
Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 04:05:55 № 62118 Quote
>>62088 looks like actvall 'p award
Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 04:29:06 № 62120 Quote
>>62119 because is a thing that never happens, or is as rare as a gem in /qa/, we wuz humans like rare things and shieeet
Do you like muscled girls btw Saar?
Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 05:01:37 № 62122 Quote
>>62072 im exactly like (you) op, i feel like we aryanime and soyjak enjoyers are like the mulattos of imageboards
Chud 08/01/24 (Thu) 05:04:16 № 62123 Quote
>>62110 we weebs hate faggots LOL