Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 20:16:44 № 53337 Quote
>samefag coal gooner thread MK II
Chud 04/26/24 (Fri) 01:29:09 № 53351 Quote
Soulless slop
Chud 04/29/24 (Mon) 18:36:11 № 53573 Quote
Chud 04/29/24 (Mon) 18:55:46 № 53574 Quote
Vantablack brimstone nigger tranime coal
Chud 04/29/24 (Mon) 19:26:22 № 53584 Quote
Kill Zero Two. Behead Zero Two. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a Zero Two food. Launch Zero Two into the sun. Stir fry Zero Two in a wok. Toss Zero Two into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Zero Two gas tank. Judo throw Zero Two into a wood chipper. Twist Zero Two heads off. Report Zero Two to the IRS. Karate chop Zero Two in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Zero Two. Trap Zero Two in quicksand. Crush Zero Two in the trash compactor. Liquefy Zero Two in a vat of acid. Eat Zero Two. Dissect Zero Two. Exterminate Zero Two in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Zero Two in the oven. Lobotomize Zero Two. Mandatory abortions for Zero Two. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Zero Two in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Zero Two with a ray gun. Kick old Zero Two down the stairs. Feed Zero Two to alligators. Slice Zero Two with a katana.
Chud 04/29/24 (Mon) 22:28:44 № 53598 Quote
this show sucks and so do you, op
Chud 04/30/24 (Tue) 02:05:37 № 53603 Quote
Coal Evangelion rip off that’s not even subtle about it
Chud 05/01/24 (Wed) 16:36:04 № 53776 Quote
>>53770 Take your porn dump back to the ‘uck faggot
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 18:38:40 № 54230 Quote
>>54220 not reading all that
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 20:27:19 № 54250 Quote
>>54230 GEG /a/utists can’t read
Chud 05/07/24 (Tue) 15:20:52 № 54635 Quote
>>54449 This is not a Booru you faggot
Chud 05/10/24 (Fri) 21:26:56 № 54867 Quote
>>54858 >u ma-ACK! you're just as bad as the zelda schizo… assuming you aren't him
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:25:10 № 55011 Quote
Part I I, a stranger and afraid In a world I never made -HOUSMAN Running feet pattered and clicked on worn flagstones, the sound echoing hollowly through the Library's cold stone corridors. Of course running in the Citadel was frowned upon, but at this hour the halls were practically deserted; the only ones around to witness such infractions were the rats and mice, and they couldn't care less. The cavernous oval floor of the foyer - packed with students during daylight hours - was as deserted as the rest of the Library. Beyond the antique leaded glass of the high ceiling dome, night-bound clouds scudded across the sky, seemingly just arm's length outside. He blinked up at fat raindrops blatting against the glass and shivered; the heating was turned down for the night, not that it ever made much of a difference in a room this size anyway. Somewhere in the library an old water clock chimed the hour, making him glance at his timepiece for confirmation. He grimaced. Rot it! Late enough already. In the dimness, terminals - a few with green characters flickering up their screen - stared glassily from their cubicles. Beyond the glass partitions, row upon row of ancient shelves stretched off into the shadowy vaults. The soundproofed viewing and study chambers were tucked away in a quiet corner behind a row of wood-paneled doors, one with the 'IN USE' plate glowing. He sighed and took a guess at exactly what she'd say, then opened the door. "You took your time!"
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:25:35 № 55014 Quote
He grinned. Close enough. Mas swung her feet off the edge of the desk, spun the chair around and glared up at him as the door hissed shut behind him. One finger was impatiently drumming a tattoo on the well-worn upholstered armrest. "So, did you bring it?" "Love you too," he retorted, flopping into the second chair. She glared at him. "All right! I got it," he waved the plastic case under her nose. "Why did you have to wait for the last minute anyway?" "I had other business," she growled. He'd heard that one before. "Sure. More important than your finishing grade?" "Yes." "Oh? What? Someone die?" She stared at him, then began to bristle. "None of your business!" "All right." He shrugged. "Sorry. Forget it. Anyway, you could have booked some of the libraries disks earlier in the year." "I didn't know they'd all be booked out. That festering video they showed; suddenly everyone wants the disks. Great timing," Mas scratched fingers against the wooden countertop, "Just in time for a thesis. Why on earth did they set THIS as the topic?!" "Come on. You know it's customary for every Academy graduate to do it." "Every year?" she asked with a wrinkle of her nose. "You'd think the 'Great Learned Ones' would be filled to the back teeth reading all those recycled essays. Most of the students just load a thesis saved a year ago and rewrite it. If you look through the files you'll see they all seem remarkably similar." "Those files're supposed to be locked!" "Huh!" she snorted. "You of all people should know the locks they use are a joke. There's no way they can keep a dedicated system wanderer out. If you know the right
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:25:56 № 55015 Quote
people and right software, you can get access to anything." "You wouldn't!" She just grinned at him. Perhaps she would. That was her style: all take and no give. He didn't know why he'd agreed to help her. A strange one she was: Only recently arrived at the Academy, perhaps not even from the east coast. Intelligent enough - in the Academy that went without saying - probably smarter than he was, but also incredibly aloof and arrogant. Nobody knew anything more about her other than that she kept herself separate from everyone else, never entering into relationships: a frigid bitch to all appearances. He'd never known anyone who had even claimed to have spent a night with her. He had never found her files in the admin system. She seemed to be a nobody, but nevertheless she held some kind of sway over the establishment, that was the only way they'd been able to bend the rules and get into the Library after hours. Her arrival at his dorm had come as a complete surprise and her request. . . no, her demand for help on this project had left him flustered and tongue-tied. Perhaps if he'd been thinking straight he wouldn't have agreed to help. It was his high academic achievements that'd caught her attention and he knew in his gut that when she'd squeezed him for all he was worth, she'd dump him. Somehow, he didn't care. Frigid she may be, but she was also undeniably attractive; any red-blooded male would gladly give a testicle for a chance to be shut in a cubicle with her. A shame she had a tendency to turn it into an experience akin to being shut in refrigerator. A real waste. He sighed. . . Oh well. "If you're going to do it that way, what do you need me for? I'll just let you get on with it." He began to stand but she kicked his feet out so he fell back into the chair.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:26:17 № 55017 Quote
"Sit down! You're a walking encyclopedia when it comes to this kind of thing. And I know you get a rush out of doing it. Already got a career planned out, haven't you? What was it? Historics and Research?" "Uh. . . yes. How'd you know?" "Heard you in the canteen." "Oh." When had that been? He hadn't been to the canteen for. . . "I can't understand why you enjoy this kind of thing," she snorted. "We could be researching something practical, like matrix memory, or the space probes and parallel junction projects." "And where'd those come from?" He waved the disk. "Aren't you forgetting who actually suggested those ideas. We've just developed the capabilities to actually build them." "History!" she muttered. "Shackles of expectations!" "Huh?" "Nothing." She shook her head. "Just forget it." "Forget it? You like riddles?" "No. It's nothing. Just something my father once told me." "Your. . . " "Don't ask!" she snapped. "Now we've got work to do. That video: how accurate was it?" "Uh. . . " her sudden change of tact had thrown him. Her father, that was a fascinating slip. There was more there. . . but later. "I. . . It was fairly well done, but of course you could still tell they were costumes. And they 'cleaned it up' a little: rearranged parts to make it more interesting." He flipped the disk box in the air and caught it again. "This transcription is copied verbatim from the original translation.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:26:35 № 55018 Quote
Well, as close as possible anyway. Everything's there." "Great," she muttered unenthusiastically. "Ah, well. What about the museum? You recommend it?" "Definitely! You haven't seen anything until you've seen them in the flesh, so to speak. Weird!" he chuckled, then added, "And you should look up their mating habits. That's got some interesting tidbits." Mas snorted, snatched the case and popped it open, checking the disk's label before dropping it into the drive. The screen flickered, the manufacturer's logo blinking across the top, then the disk's boot sectors took over and a menu appeared, icons arranged in neat rows. Mas selected one, pressed the puck's button and the drive light flickered for a second, then the high-resolution digitized graphic of an ancient, worn leather volume appeared on the screen along with title and dates. Beat his old system back home clear out of the running speedwise, and the graphics were so clear they seemed to jump out of the glass. Another few seconds then the screen cleared and the text of the translation began to scroll down the VDU. "Put it up on the big screen," he suggested, then after a few seconds added, "Who knows, you might even find this interesting." She bared teeth back at him and he smiled to himself. At the touch of a key, the featureless black wall above the monitor flickered, text appeared on it, the lights dimmed. Without another word the pair settled back in their chairs and began to read.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:26:59 № 55019 Quote
PREFACE The interest in occult problems begins today in those circles which, up until now, have knowingly, intentionally, and somewhat correctly kept it at bay. Common popular occultism exhibits certain aspects from which serious and clear-thinking men must recoil, since the entire state of our theories about natural science and awareness were not broad enough to generally allow us to deal with the phenomena of the occult. Today’s modern man of science cannot abandon his established and thorough methodology and exchange it for an, at best, dubious and gratuitously emerging “credo quia absurdum est.” He concentrates instead on the exact transcribed field of any specialized science. Such specialized science is how occultism of our time came to be. Today one can occupy himself with telekinetic experiments just as one once analyzed the laws of gravity. A number of reputable researchers found the avenue to the occult world of apparitions in this way. With that they still did not exhaust the matter. The problem of occultism throughout the field of experimental natural sciences became so great that they moved en masse to a new, total position against it. And here the problem of occultism flows into the problems of our entire modern culture, our science, and our lifestyle. This is the biggest reason that today – unlike more than twenty years ago – a person of
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:27:21 № 55021 Quote
understanding can no longer pass by the phenomena of the occult. It is still necessary to count the signs which suggest that our culture is getting ready to attack its own roots. Thankfully it is essentially easy to grasp this fact of the field of exact science. Every step that has gone forward is like the blow of an axe against the supporting pillar. A complete and new concept of truth is produced, and with that, a complete and new concept of understanding. The more exact we are in our thinking the more we open our eyes to the vagueness of the basics of our thoughts. But it is precisely this exactness of thought that leads to the construction of an ideal world, in which the phenomena of the occult cannot only be casually questioned, but rather must be downright challenged at the theoretical level were it not already discovered. It is like the existence of the planet Neptune theoretically being found before an astronomer directed his telescope at it. This book pursues the main points of these lines of thought. It is – in its theoretical parts at least – a theoretic awareness of nature and it practices criticism of the sum of our ideal world, in order to lay the groundwork for a new approach to things and to attain and understand our own “self.” The dispute of this poses a problem, and therefore becomes a dilemma for those who are fruitful, for they believe they have reason to reject practical occultist activity It may appear strange in our time of such intellectualism how the body is allotted such a fundamental significance, and that everything that is sensuous and animalistic appears to be assessed positively. This is one source, but it is necessary for the book to be the primary source to
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:27:42 № 55022 Quote
validate the exact profound knowledge of that which is phenomenal and that which is irrational. The idea that the avenue to the last reality is found through the body and the sinking into a purely carnal form, rather than through intellect and abstraction, signifies the main antithesis in which stands the accomplishment of our principles of commonly accepted occultism. Only through these thoughts can we begin to touch upon the explanation using the outlook of the most ancient times, those times when occultism was not merely an experimental natural science, but rather a sacred Magic and a standard criterion depicted as such, as we might, in a sense today call “religion.” At its roots, the present work represents nothing less than the immersion into an ethno�religious idea in a modern scientific form/theoretic�awareness and the stated practical achievement signifies the renewal of the lost cultic actualities of an early people. This characteristic may just be the most difficult point, and this book allows these so-called “modern scholars” to understand it. The potential gains here get larger as soon as the reader comes to find a new position and the cardinal thoughts are thus grasped. What is to be demanded of us is not easy, for it is to move backward to the origin of everything, a real reversal to the zenith of our culture, a recovery of that which is lost and left aside by our late-coming and familiar phrases of thoughts and experiences.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:28:05 № 55026 Quote
HISTORY When nature, after millions of years of working and weaving by means of stone, plant, and animal lifted man out of her melting pot, she had created something that very well could count as the focal point of the infinite cosmic dynamic, but at the time stood only for a tiny part of the whole cosmos. The man of primeval times felt small compared to nature and its creations. In all things and appearances, in mountains, clouds, rivers, in the world of the stars, in the fire, in the smoke, in the blowing of the wind, in the descending lightning, he recognized and admired forces and powers which were darkly related to him but still stood above him. He still had a distinct knowledge that forces of the deep filled with eerie significance were also active in the bodies of pre-human creatures: a tree, an herb, an elephant, a bull, and even a toad. Through all of this came those peculiar processes and conditions we today call *illusions*, *hallucinations*, *delusions*, *suggestions*, *dreams* etc., which revealed to him a world of shaping strengths that are virtually hidden from present man. The man of primeval times, sleeping and awake, felt himself surrounded by a reality of images that was pregnant by a dark, often times gruesome meaning, and alive with mysterious powers. Even after he had learned to somehow control these powers and make them subservient, the feeling of eeriness and evil did not vanish, and he still stood before these things with that strange mix of
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:28:26 № 55028 Quote
feeling of superiority and fear - like an animal tamer before his beasts. We ourselves know little about the essence of natural things, about the inner being of animals, plants, and stones, and it is not impossible that they in a - for us unapproachable - world receive and perform similar forces, like man in his world. We always adhere to the “conscious” calculation and design and in doing so overlook that the best, even in all “consciousness,” always lies in the “unconscious.” But we have to perceive the unconscious force of design and efficacy of natural things as tremendous, since from it originates the whole creation and our own self. The experience of this fact manifests in the rest of shock by “nature” as is still present in a sentimental form in the modern “nature-feeling.” Also animals, plants, and stones express force effects which go far beyond what is immediately obvious to our senses and can therefore very well be called “extrasensory.” The ethnologist Weule wrote on this matter: “To the primitive the animal is itself something particularly mystic, with which he is also continually occupied. The animal itself performs magic, because in it there is a magic force. Often times it is even stronger than man. Of course those animals which are huntable do not come into question, but the strong and dangerous ones, and those which are on top seem eerie because of their way of living. Every tour through a larger ethnographic museum teaches just how widespread this point of view has to be.” But it isn’t only the animal, but also the plant and mineral unfold magic forces that can be dangerous to man, but which can, under the right circumstances, be adequately mastered into subservience.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:28:48 № 55029 Quote
All mastery is based on acquirement, absorption, compression, control, and design by way of subjugating the alien being to a new form-law, imbibing it to ones own world, just like the body assimilates food. All fight for power is therefore a fight of hostile structures. Form is not dead, superficial, or unsubstantial, but the carrier of force, a mystical something that manifests itself in the proper sense of the image-laws. For early man there could not have been a difference between “living“ and “dead” things, or even between “imaginary” and “real,” instead for him there was only a hierarchy of forms, an order of images and signs in accordance with their force. For him there were visible, audible, tangible, smell-able, taste-able essentialities which have been partly there or had to be created by him and which he learned to pit against each other according to his will. Early on he had viewed into the “continuity,” into the tremendous, unbroken connection of all things cosmic, and so he knew that the smallest causes were able to trigger the biggest consequences and that even the least impressive was not without relevance. He who knew of the secret forms, things, images, and signs was able to design forms and things, images and signs, the means to subjugate them to his law and so to dominate the universe. All that is formed is the center of forces which are in connection with the whole cosmos. Images and signs are junctions in the dynamics of the world. Things are nothing different than force focuses of the universe, just like man himself, and like every animal, every plant, every stone.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:29:12 № 55031 Quote
The forces of the form-world don’t exhaust themselves in their crude apparent effects (which today we would call “physical” or “empirical”), instead they manifest in an unfathomable, mysterious way that is precisely called “magical” and which constitutes the last and darkest complication of the so-called law of nature, which is known to us but still partly unknown. Early man had already coined a name for the ability of magical force to affect things: he speaks of “mana,” which indwells the things and unfolds its effects according to a certain law. The "mana“ clings to the form. With its form any object, any sound, any sign is a carrier of mana. With the replication of a thing its mana is also transferred, that means the replication is loaded with the same mana as the original. Form is always inseparable from space and time, the elements of corporeality. Space and time are the prime matter of all that is formed. So a certain point in space, a certain moment in time can be gifted with mana even if it is not immediately noticeable. Exactly because the mana force is not readily noticeable, such “abstract” carriers of mana have to be marked artificially, to in a way avoid “magical accidents,” for example if someone - because of carelessness - comes close to a point which does not match the mana of the moment. It is helpful to mark such a point with the piling of sticks, with a fence or something similar, and to exactly note the time and to write the mana of every moment, every hour, every month, etc. down. The whole calendar originally had a magical foundation. Something else comes to this: the artificial, arbitrary transfer of mana to any things, points in space, or periods of time. We call this “malediction”
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:29:35 № 55033 Quote
or “consecration.” In such a case any kind of object is declared loaded with mana by the use of a spell of power. Or a square or another kind of circle is drawn on the ground with a prick, a hack, etc. and this area is then seen as afflicted with mana. The same is possible with periods of time, just as still today any day is set as a “holiday” officially. Holidays have originally been always magical times. That is why no one was allowed to work, since work always means something profane. A magical time always had to bring mischief to any activity that did not harmonise with it. Everything “magical” was at the same time also exceedingly “dangerous.” Arguably all things are initially afflicted with mana, but not to the same degree and in the same direction. In some things the mana can be so weak that it does not come into question for practical use, in other things it can reach a high degree but be so one-sided that it is ineffective in all directions. The mana of a certain place, for example, can express that only no blood is to be shed there, but it can be neutral in every other aspect. Despite all things having mana, there will always be only a certain number of things which contain this mana in its highest intensity and with a multi-directional effectiveness, and from this fact early on came the distinction between “magical” and “profane” things. Arguably in itself everything is magical and in itself also everything can attain the highest level of magical effectiveness, but for practical purposes the aforementioned difference persists. The magical things, that means, those which are gifted with mana in great measure, are considered to be “taboo,” that means “eerie-holy.” They are worshipped as “demonic.”
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:29:57 № 55036 Quote
Of course these demonic things, which represent the most tremendous focus of force in the universe, play a central role in the existence of early man. To deal with them, make them subservient, or avoid their potentially damaging effects is his most important task. Soon in this way a magical ”science” and “technique” developed, which is with its main features part of the possession of every folk-comrade (just like cookery, gardening, animal husbandry, etc.), but which is naturally in its heights and its entirety only available to a few, who then play the chosen role of the “magician” in the narrow sense of the word. The offspring for such magicians is created by means of artificial selection, so that the caste of the magicians more and more segregates itself from the profane crowd and either recruits its offspring entirely from their ranks or picks new individuals from outside their ranks according to their abilities. Very soon their suitability as magicians arises as a result of certain indicators and the inborn abilities of the neophyte are increased with the appropriate education, fertilised and lead to their maximum perfection. Las Casas reports, for example: The Piaches (magicians) of the red Indians from Cumana select from 12-15 year old boys those which have the natural indications to be the most qualified and ablest to be educated in the art of magic. The chosen ones are sent to marked locations in the lonely forests, where some very old Piaches live and where the young people are disciplined for two years similar to a school.” And so a complete isolation is obtained, to achieve the most complete disentanglement from profane surroundings and concentrate the forces. Alfred Lehmann tells about the inauguration
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:30:20 № 55038 Quote
ceremony of the Winebagos in North America: “The inauguration ceremony of the new medicine men is called the medicine celebration and is a very old institution, which like most of their celebrations consists almost entirely of dancing. The participating members form a community for themselves and have certain secrets which are never disclosed to non�members. The celebration is held in a specially arranged hut. There the members sitting at both of the long sides. The middle of the room is empty to give space for the dancers. The new candidates have to fast three days before their inauguration. In the meantime they are led to a secret place by the old medicine man that oversees the celebration and discloses all the mysteries of the society. During the fast they also undergo a rigorous sweating cure where they are covered with carpets and are exposed to the fumes of certain roots. After this is overcome the celebrations begin. They consist of dance and speeches of the old medicine men as well as of a lot of strange activities.” "Crata Repoa,” an anonymous scripture from the year 1785, reports about the inauguration ceremonies of the Egyptian priests: “When someone fancied joining the society of Crata Repoa, he had to be strongly endorsed first by someone who was already inaugurated. Generally this was done by the king himself by writing to the priests. But the priests at first rejected the proposal in Heliopolis and directed him to the teachers of Memphis. From Memphis he was directed to Theben. Finally he would be circumcised. Next, certain foods were prohibited and he was not allowed to drink wine any more, until the time he reached a higher rank where he, at times, was granted permission. Then he had to live many months in an underground cave, similar to
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:30:42 № 55040 Quote
a prisoner alone with his thoughts. They granted permission to write his thoughts down, which would be thoroughly examined to become acquainted with the mind of the new member. Afterwards he was let in a hallway with Mercurial statues whereupon spells of mores were written which he had to memorize. As soon as he knew them by heart Thesmosphoros (the introducer) came to him. In his hands he had a strong whip to stop the mob at the gate of the profane, where he allowed the soon to be inaugurated new member, the eyes of whom were blindfolded and his hands were enchained with a strong linen bandage.” These examples will suffice to show the great exclusiveness of the magician caste. Only after long and exhausting inauguration ceremonies is admission granted. Because of this intricateness many who were only driven by a volatile curiosity were discouraged. At the same time it is proved during these measures if the apprentice has the necessary abilities in his body and his soul, and these abilities – if existent – will of course be greatly scattered by these sharp curves. A great amount of irritability is a prerequisite for being granted permission into the circle of the magicians. Added to this are a lot of mannerisms and oddities which we today can still find frequently in people of “genius.” Also an epileptic characteristic is considered to be a sign of magical giftedness. In any case we recognize that the magician in former times had a lot of features which we would today call “psychopathic.” Today we associate with this term a derogatory meaning and do not think that most of the great things were created by these kinds of “psychopaths.” Also the magician of the early times despite his abnormal predisposition should not to be
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:31:03 № 55042 Quote
pictured as an “ill” human in our sense of the word. To the contrary he had to be equipped with a great amount of robustness to be able to put up with the pathological sides of his being without impairment of his organism as a whole and to match up to all the stress that his function required. Frequently these magicians have been epic warlords who took an active part in battle and were, because of their efficiency in war, a light unto all others. We know of the patriarch Abraham, who was undoubtedly magically gifted, that he led a very war�like life and was not afraid of any potentate on earth, and even Mohammed who was after all part of a comparatively late time period was a notable commander despite his notorious epilepsy. Also we have to visualize Moses as an imposingly coarse person despite his somnambulistic dream-story, since he would otherwise not have been able to lead a grumbling people from Egypt to Jordan with all the exertions and hardships involved. Ignatius of Loyola, who was profoundly hallucinatory-inclined and the founder of the Jesuit Order, was an outstanding soldier and a rough daredevil before he turned towards his spiritual activity. The Holy Therese (to also name a magician) was often in a state of catalepsy for days before she again began extensive organizational work which demanded high standards of her mental and physical strength. The professional magician had the task to use his art everywhere where particularly difficult, important, or holy things were involved. But everywhere else, where the common man used magic so to speak for his domestic purposes, the individual himself performed it, similar to today, where we only take medical advice in serious cases, but treat minor cases with the use of widely known domestic
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:31:27 № 55043 Quote
remedies. Usually the housefather or an elderly member of the extended family is the person who owns the magic recipes and has the authority to perform the required ceremonies, because not every person is able to and allowed to perform every kind of magic, even if he knows the handles, formulas, etc. that are involved. Magic is always dangerous, is always a trial of strength between the one who performs the magic and the forces he invokes, that is to say the demonic things or simply the “demons.” Out of this distinctive feature of struggle originates the aristocratic characteristic, which from the beginning was part of all magic and despite its comprehensive human basis hallmarked it as the privilege of a selected few. The magical type of man was the one who dominated and defined all primeval cultures. The magician was in all early times identical with the “ruler,” be it as chieftain or as priest or as both combined in one. He acts as intermediary between the profane reality and the world above, he himself radiates forces which exceed the normal, he is in reality the superior and the highest and so it is natural that he also holds worldly power in his hands. Even later on by the time the worldly power usually cuts itself off from the spiritual, it is still the magician, the priest who represents supreme authority and before whom also princes and kings have to bow. But not until the end of civilization, by the time the connection to the world above diminishes more and more, does the magician step back from his dominating position, the hierarchical structure of the people disintegrates, and with regard to every supernal thing every individual has to start completely from scratch.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:31:48 № 55045 Quote
The gruesome, otherworldly bringing to life of natural things, which is the basis of all magic, produces the world view that is known to us from so�called primitives as “animism,” “pan-animism,” or as “inspiriting of nature,” “pan-psychical.” For the primordial man “things” are dark-vivid essentialities, everything is surrounded by a holy horror which itself signifies a source for forces by which magical effects become possible in the first place. This early animism should not be confused with “pantheism” of later time periods, because animism is something that is entirely specific, is really “polytheism,” but not lukewarm monotheism, which directly precedes the complete disappearance of god or gods. Animism shows early on – in contrast to pantheism – a distinct tendency to compression, to concentration, or concretization of the demonic, just as we have also already learned with regard to mana, that is to say certain things are considered to be outstandingly demonic, whereas the demonic nature of the remaining things sinks to a harmless and therefore profane level. Since the beginning there also existed a distinct tendency to individualisation, that is to say certain people feel allocated to certain demons, family-demons and tribal-demons come into existence, in certain circumstances even pure individual-demons, which are only worshiped by one man. Alfred Lehman reports on the Negroes from the coast of Guinea: “Once some one of them decides to carry out something important, the first thing he does is to search for a god to help him in his endeavour. With this in mind he goes out and declares the first living creature that appears to be a god – a dog, a cat, or even one of the most primitive animals. Also a non-living object that he finds on his way is possible – a stone, a piece of wood or whatever else it is at that
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:32:02 № 55047 Quote
I've become so much like Eren Jaeger, it's scary. I wear black cardigans, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends. When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight, fight in american.) I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut fuck up Hange! I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control. When I see dogs being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am. I can't have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Mikasa or Historia, both of whom remind me of Armin. When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them freedom fries. I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:32:11 № 55048 Quote
moment. He then immediately makes a sacrifice for this new god, explains his endeavour to him and vows that he will recognize and worship him as his god in the future if his endeavour succeeds.” This report brings to light how closely magic is in its essence connected with animism and demonism and how far apart it is from the play we can find in atheistic “theosophy” which has a wishing-force that is only intellectual. The magic act itself signifies a very concrete anticipation, an obvious ceremony, and beforehand acts are performed to obtain what one demands from the demon. If, for example, one wants to have rain, an act is then performed that has a distant similarity to rain, if one wants to destroy enemies war dances are arranged, if one wants to take possession of something the act of taking, stealing, or robbing is imitated, etc. Often times the ceremony can differ so much from the “natural” act that it is hardly possible for outsiders to identify both. Most often a symbol is present that is only by (indirect) way of complicated and often times arbitrary appearing associations connected to the natural image of the pertaining act. One could say that all magic was originally based on a kind of more or less stylized “pantomime,” that is to say based on a part theatrical and part dancing presentation of what one wants to accomplish. This brings to light the magic origins of all ceremonial arts. But dance also plays from another point of view a big role in the old magic - namely as a creator of manic conditions and as a means to work off states of tension. There have been and there still are dances which serve the purpose to artificially create states of “ecstasy” or “possession,” where the dancing person feels imbued with the god and with this demonic completeness of power exerts
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:32:34 № 55051 Quote
magic effects. In this case the dance directly creates the demonization, but at the same time also serves as an outlet, that is to say by means of abreaction. This kind of dance expresses convulsive, paroxysmal strains of the body and at the beginning wants nothing less than to be “lovely.” Their purpose is only to create a frenzy which will be facilitated by all kinds of other means, such as excessive fasting, sweating, flagellations, glaring light effects and sounds, as well as narcotic beverages and smoking. Alfred Lehmann brings a report about these “magic dances,” wherein such a ceremony which is commonly practiced by the Tunguses is described: “In the middle of the yurt (hut) flickered a bright fire around which a circle of black sheepskins were laid, on which a shaman was loudly reciting incantations and going around with well measured and tactful steps. His garb was a long gown made of fur, whereupon straps, amulets, chains, bells, and pieces of iron and copper were hanging from top to bottom. In his right hand he had a magic drum formed like a tambourine that was likewise decorated with bells and in his left hand he had a bow. His look was dreadfully wild and terrifying. The assembly sat quietly, but with the most expectant alertness. Gradually the flame in the middle of the yurt went out; only the coals still smoldered and spread a mystic twilight. The shaman threw himself to the ground and after lying there for about five minutes he started to moan woefully, a kind of hollow or suppressed screaming, which sounded like it came from different voices. After a while the fire was again blown on and it blazed away high into the room. The shaman leaped up, put his bow on the ground and by holding it with his hand and placing his forehead on the upper end of it, he began – at first slowly, then
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:32:58 № 55052 Quote
gradually faster, to run around the bow in a circle. After a good while of spinning he suddenly stood still without any sign of dizziness and with his hands began to describe figures in the air. Then in a kind of excitement he gripped his drum, which he stirred with a certain melody, after which he soon jumped around sometimes faster, sometimes slower, while his whole body twitched here and there unbelievably fast in a peculiar manner. During all these operations the shaman had, with a certain craving, smoked a few pipes of the most aggressive tobacco and between each one of them drunk a gulp of brandy. Suddenly he fell on the ground and laid there frozen and lifeless. Two of the attendants lifted him up and placed him upright on his feet. He looked ghastly. The eyes stood wide and vacant out of his head, his whole face was red all over, he seemed to be in complete unconsciousness, and except a slight shudder of his whole body there was no movement at all for a few minutes, no sign of life was noticeable. Eventually he seemed to wake up from his stiffness. With the right hand based on his bow, he quickly wielded the magic drum with his left hand and, jingling it around his head, then put it down to signify that he is now totally excited and that one could now ask him questions. His answers to these questions were given without long reflection, but in such a way as if he himself did not know what was going on.” In this case we have to interpret the dance movement as an ecstatic and demonic moment, which in combination with narcotic means (nicotine and alcohol) produces a state of “possession” (trance, somnambulism), in which an extensive shifting of the “ego” happens, so that apparently someone else (a “ghost”) speaks out of the pertaining body.
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:33:24 № 55054 Quote
Dancing is also a central part during a magic healing ceremony, which Alfred Lehmann mentions from some red Indian tribes, at the beginning it is in the form of a pantomimic ceremony, but it gradually leads to ecstasy. It says: “The dance is literally a performance which the medicine man performs at the sick bed before an awe-struck audience. Beating on a small drum or banging with a rattle, he moves in a circle and states that he is conversing in a mythical way with the ghosts, sucks the sickness out of the patient’s stomach or neck, chases bad ghosts out of various parts of the body, etc. Continuing in this way he not only brings himself but also his audience and patients into a state of ecstasy, wherein those same patients stare at him with fear and tremor. And when he shakes his magic rattle or beats his small tambourine they imagine that heaven and earth are listening and that the whole universe bows before him.” J.W. Hauer writes about dance as a means to the ecstatic: “That the dance is primarily a means of amusement is a false delusion, as the comparing ethnography shows. For the red Indians of Tarahumara, for example, the only big sin is to not dance enough, and according to Preusch dancing is a very serious matter, comparable to a kind of prayer or magic rather than an amusement. Indra, the god of battles and weather, surely did not dance for amusement; likewise with Marut. Indra’s dances must have a deeper meaning. They are strength�stirring and life-creating. But the strength-effecting dance is at the same time also an ecstatic dance. In Indra’s case the dance is connected with manifestations of strength. This will suffice to show that Indra’s dances are indeed wild and ecstatic ones.”
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:33:48 № 55056 Quote
We are always inclined to dismiss everything that is associated with ecstasy, somnambulism etc. as belonging to the area of “empty imagination,” as “lacking scientific insight” or even as “sickly,” and believe to settle the affair with this classification. But we don’t take into consideration that our norms of “reality” and “imagination,” of “true” and “untrue,” of “healthy” and “sick” are indeed relative and that there can be conditions of the soul where these concepts literally turn around, and where we cannot simply reject these conditions of the soul as unjustified. Just as there is not only one but infinite “geometries,” which are completely coherent and reasonable, so are there infinite possibilities of a world view and a resulting attitude, which, despite contradicting each other, exist in themselves with complete justification and could never in the sense of a line of argument be pitted against each other. We already indicated that the type of the “magical man” does definitely not signify something “ill” in the common sense, despite displaying a lot of symptoms which we call “pathological” in our world sphere. In his sphere the magician operates indeed as “healthy” and shows the essential attributes of the “healthy,” that is to say courage, self-confidence, ability to cope with life, etc. Likewise there appears what we call “imagination” completely as reality in their associated world and our “realities” appear there simply as obtuse imbecilities quite frequently. Since all magic is in one way or another based on animism and demonism – contrary, for example, to our empirical domination of nature – it is explainable that the cult of the demons is also at the fore outside of the closer area of magic. The demonic basic outlook crosses all areas of life, and since the connection with
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:34:09 № 55057 Quote
the demons is only possible in the magical way, the magical actions and thinking manifest themselves in every condition of life and in every smallest handling. The whole being is layered around a magic-demonic center and receives its purpose from there, its blessing and its strength. But this is religion. All religion is only a form of magic and all magic is only applied religion. About this writes Alfred Lehmann: “How closely cult and magic were interwoven together follows explicitly from the incantations. [Very often these are introduced with appeals to the pertaining gods, so that we would rather call them hymns, songs of praise,] if they would not explicitly be called incantations in the documents.” Rudolf Utzinger also paints a vivid picture of this convergence of magic and demonic lines in the religion of the occult: “The religious privileges of the mature man are explained to the child in a tender, sensitive way, in order that it gets to know the demonic mask-dancers and the mythological vital forces since its youth and on the occasion of the Kachina celebration. The child gets well acquainted with how to beg the gods for rain, fertility, and the benedictory strength of the sun. The cult objects bear witness to a conscious symbolism in form and color. To the outsider these things: rainbows, bolts of lightning, corncobs, rain clouds, may seem dull as long as he is not able to decipher the foreign phenomenal world. Behind the language which is clear and certain in its form hides a world of pious shudder and childlike - as well as serious - mysteriousness. The contours change into luminosity of magical immersion. The figures have the reason and the obsession of magical vision. A rush for naturalness, an intuition about the emotional turmoil of another ulterior pool of light.”
Chud 05/12/24 (Sun) 16:34:31 № 55060 Quote
All concrete worship of god or gods grows out of a magical foundation. That is why early on the terms “magician” and “priest” have one and the same meaning. The magician is the servant and the representative of the deity, in a sense its tyrant, and in a state of ecstasy he is even its direct incarnation. This is already signified in the costume, in the emblems, and in the whole manner of appearance. The magician and priest wears the attribute of his demon, in the Assyrian-Babylonian cultural sphere, for example, he wears a pyramid-shaped or conical hat which is reminiscent of the mountains of gods and the old temple towers, or he wears some kind of horned headgear which is reminiscent of the bull and ram cults. He is dressed in a long white coat, which represents a very primeval divine symbol, and in his hand he carries the rod of the ruler (rod of the magician), which is from time immemorial a symbol of the godly fertility and almightiness. Frequently masks are directly applied to further clarify the oneness of the magician with the god. The demonic cult consists of the performance of mystical ceremonies which refer to the character and the form of activity of the relevant demon, and consists of the making of sacrifices by which the magician connects himself and his tribe with the deity and always acquires new fullness of strength. The sacrifice is the most mysterious fact in the whole demonic cult. The point is not only to give the demon any kind of things as “presents,” to propitiate him in this manner, but its real importance is the mystical becoming-one with the demon itself. With the sacrifice the demon always gains new fullness of the blood and reality, while the acting magician and his community are saturated with new demonic
Chud 05/14/24 (Tue) 19:42:21 № 55804 Quote
>>55796 zelinkop was your tripcode on the 'cuck
Chud 05/15/24 (Wed) 19:57:07 № 55869 Quote
>>55865 >Doesn’t answer me because xe knows I’m onto xer Geg
Chud 05/23/24 (Thu) 08:36:26 № 56269 Quote
Get this silesian vantablack brimstone from the depths of niggerhell outta here.
Chud 05/25/24 (Sat) 22:58:37 № 56428 Quote
Such a coal that the mecha don't even look cool and it couldn't even be original – it ripped off Devadasy big time, and Devadasy is cooler because the main robot can transform into flight mode.
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 00:20:35 № 56435 Quote
Stop bumping this awful coal
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 00:21:19 № 56436 Quote
>>56428 Eh, it mostly ripped off evangelion
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 17:20:17 № 56470 Quote
>>56463 >can’t admit xer animu is extremely derivative and unoriginal GEG
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 19:12:53 № 56480 Quote
Tranxx in the franxx
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 22:47:38 № 56490 Quote
>>56480 Forgot your sage but yeah it’s just evangelion for niggertroons
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 23:01:29 № 56492 Quote
pink hair bitch seems like such a slut idk why
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 23:04:22 № 56494 Quote
>>56480 Tranny in the AXX more like
>>56492 For that B B C, I pressume?
Chud 05/30/24 (Thu) 21:43:31 № 56765 Quote
>>56480 literally nothing tranny about it
Chud 05/30/24 (Thu) 22:55:19 № 56776 Quote
>>56774 Goonerslop for apes who couldn’t understand evangelion
Chud 05/31/24 (Fri) 19:26:05 № 56826 Quote
Manlet cope anime
Chud 05/31/24 (Fri) 20:19:05 № 56828 Quote
>>56826 GEG franxxfags really are like this
Chud 06/20/24 (Thu) 14:56:05 № 57279 Quote
Chud 06/20/24 (Thu) 22:02:03 № 57331 Quote
>>57279 I'll start posting soon
Chud 06/30/24 (Sun) 18:47:40 № 58502 Quote
Chud 06/30/24 (Sun) 21:32:15 № 58518 Quote
>>56523 I only care about the original series
Chud 07/01/24 (Mon) 00:45:14 № 58532 Quote
troon anime
Chud 07/01/24 (Mon) 03:16:26 № 58542 Quote
>>58532 I'm pretty sure nobody outside of gooners actually watched it doebeit
Chud 07/12/24 (Fri) 20:31:30 № 59911 Quote
>>59910 stop bumping this awful coal
Chud 07/18/24 (Thu) 17:59:29 № 60673 Quote
darling in the franxx was a gemmy show but i fucking hate everyone else who watches it just like most tranime
Chud 07/18/24 (Thu) 18:02:42 № 60678 Quote
>>60675 its a gooner fanbase because it spawned from a show with tons of unnecessary fan service (just look at some of the camera angles or how the women pilot the franxx) and this thread proves just that
at least they are all adults though unlike some other shows with interestin fanart ive seen Chud 07/18/24 (Thu) 18:21:23 № 60681 Quote
what the fuck is this 'ooner thread this is /a/ not /nate/ go fuck yourselves faggots
Chud 07/18/24 (Thu) 18:25:45 № 60683 Quote
>>60681 >'ooner thread go back newnigger
Chud 07/20/24 (Sat) 20:38:42 № 60931 Quote
Chud 07/20/24 (Sat) 21:25:06 № 60937 Quote
Is this worth watching?
Chud 07/20/24 (Sat) 22:04:06 № 60951 Quote
>>60937 no. it's a shitty second-rate evangelion
Chud 07/20/24 (Sat) 22:15:21 № 60953 Quote
>Is this worth watching? sure if you´re on hrt
Chud 07/20/24 (Sat) 22:24:00 № 60956 Quote
>>60951 evangelion in ohio 💀
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:12:39 № 61131 Quote
>>60953 sure thing Jose
>>60937 yes
>>60951 back to rebuilds
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:21:23 № 61138 Quote
>>61131 i only watch the original series you obsessed faggot
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:23:17 № 61142 Quote
>>61141 i pirate it you brain dead retard
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:23:36 № 61144 Quote
>>61142 no u didn't zoom zoom
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:23:58 № 61145 Quote
>>61144 retard
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:52:35 № 61162 Quote
>>61159 eat your gruel, old timer
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 15:07:28 № 61165 Quote
>>61162 let me guess 720p quality? geg
Chud 07/27/24 (Sat) 18:49:55 № 61742 Quote
>>61740 media pending approval again award
Chud 07/28/24 (Sun) 17:21:49 № 61800 Quote
>>61798 gay janny?
>>61799 homophobic janny?
>muh failed to redrawChud 07/28/24 (Sun) 18:01:37 № 61810 Quote
stiff cocks
Chud 07/28/24 (Sun) 19:24:20 № 61821 Quote
>image dump with no discussion I know it's you, zelinkschizo
Chud 07/28/24 (Sun) 23:16:46 № 61832 Quote
>>61821 I have a few reasons to think this is someone on the shlog, but I won't say more than that.
Chud 07/30/24 (Tue) 03:21:03 № 61898 Quote
Chud 07/30/24 (Tue) 17:12:50 № 61926 Quote
>>61821 >zelinkschizo I hate Zelda meds
>>61832 newfaag
>>61898 false
Chud 08/06/24 (Tue) 07:02:42 № 62520 Quote
>>62497 Surprised it was never moved there. There's literally no discussion here, just pointless image dumping
Chud 08/08/24 (Thu) 20:26:03 № 62903 Quote
>>62846 >Still pending approval BTFO
Chud 08/14/24 (Wed) 17:55:50 № 63464 Quote
Why do you dump your slop here? There's like no discussion at all
Grotesque Deformity 08/21/24 (Wed) 07:20:10 № 64025 Quote
Chud 08/23/24 (Fri) 01:34:10 № 64184 Quote
This is not a fucking thread it's just an image dump
Chud 08/24/24 (Sat) 12:51:50 № 64254 Quote
Coal in the franxx
Chud 08/24/24 (Sat) 12:57:02 № 64255 Quote
>reddit in the coal Go back
Chud 08/24/24 (Sat) 15:49:07 № 64261 Quote
dirlewanger if you can hear us please rape and kill every coal in the franxx
Chud 08/26/24 (Mon) 03:01:09 № 64353 Quote
>>55060 What book is this from? I'm quite interested in reading some gems like this
Chud 09/02/24 (Mon) 07:42:48 № 64750 Quote
Chud 09/07/24 (Sat) 18:45:39 № 65055 Quote
Chud Team Winter 09/07/24 (Sat) 19:21:03 № 65057 Quote
>>53328 Summerfags establish Zero Two gooning shrines in their homes o algo
Chud 09/07/24 (Sat) 19:26:05 № 65059 Quote
>>65057 Maybe this nigger but not every summerGOD is like this tard