Chud 04/22/24 (Mon) 01:54:27 № 53097 Quote
>>53096 shut up neutralcoalfag
Chud 04/22/24 (Mon) 16:56:21 № 53130 Quote
Spite bvmp
Chud 04/23/24 (Tue) 17:03:43 № 53210 Quote
So, are we still doing the whole Rei vs Asuka debate? Where do we stand on that?
Chud 04/24/24 (Wed) 04:58:50 № 53248 Quote
asuka is a way more relatable character than faggot shinji will ever be
Chud 04/24/24 (Wed) 16:46:51 № 53264 Quote
>>53248 do asucucks really?
>>53251 glistening gemerald
Chud 04/24/24 (Wed) 21:35:52 № 53271 Quote
When Rei blew herself up to kill Armisael I actually almost cried
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 01:09:59 № 53277 Quote
Thoughts on the rebuilds? People seem to be pretty split on whether or not they’re good
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 15:55:07 № 53314 Quote
>>53277 Troonslop but not really bad films
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 15:56:57 № 53316 Quote
>>53314 I will never forgive Anno for creating M*ri, easily the worst EVA character
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 20:15:06 № 53335 Quote
>>53323 But isn’t he basically her stepdad
Chud 04/27/24 (Sat) 17:55:36 № 53427 Quote
are SEELE basically jews?
Chud 04/27/24 (Sat) 19:07:54 № 53433 Quote
>>53430 precisely why Eva is keyed
Chud 04/29/24 (Mon) 19:05:39 № 53576 Quote
I actually really like Rei as a character. Her whole “I’m expendable” shit and how she learns to be more human are fascinating to me
Chud 04/30/24 (Tue) 02:06:37 № 53604 Quote
Will there ever be more Eva content?
Chud 05/02/24 (Thu) 09:08:44 № 53860 Quote
Chud 05/03/24 (Fri) 21:39:40 № 53985 Quote
Remember when Asuka wore that fat suit? That was weird.
Chud 05/04/24 (Sat) 14:38:46 № 54055 Quote
>>54003 Reddit is that way
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 02:28:01 № 54165 Quote
>>54164 ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT This post should justify the permanent deletion of /a/
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 02:35:04 № 54166 Quote
>>54165 It’s so fucking over
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 05:20:54 № 54178 Quote
Asuka is a ‘fefoid
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 05:21:17 № 54179 Quote
Asuka is a ‘fefoid
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 18:27:14 № 54225 Quote
Asuka is a ‘fefoid
Chud 05/05/24 (Sun) 20:25:10 № 54248 Quote
>>54228 She probably smells like shit
Chud 05/06/24 (Mon) 21:00:31 № 54372 Quote
Rei probably doesn’t know what an image board is
Chud 05/06/24 (Mon) 21:23:06 № 54388 Quote
Shinji would probably browse the ‘cuck
Chud 05/07/24 (Tue) 15:23:44 № 54638 Quote
How different would Eva be if it took place in muttmerica and all the pilots were niggers?
Chud 05/07/24 (Tue) 15:25:54 № 54639 Quote
>>54638 We don't say that word here on soy/a/
>>>/pol/ Chud 05/09/24 (Thu) 10:28:25 № 54782 Quote
>>54638 black kangs would save the world and defeat seele
Chud 05/09/24 (Thu) 14:09:15 № 54794 Quote
>>54638 Lilith would get dat johnson
Chud 05/09/24 (Thu) 16:33:03 № 54800 Quote
>>54638 Shinji wouldn't be a bitch and Asuka would let him hit
Chud 05/10/24 (Fri) 21:28:24 № 54868 Quote
>>54794 that thing doesn't have any fuckable holes
Chud 05/11/24 (Sat) 03:55:37 № 54893 Quote
>>54892 How do you rape creatures with no rapeable holes
Chud 05/14/24 (Tue) 19:43:46 № 55806 Quote
rei or asuka?
Chud 05/14/24 (Tue) 20:03:42 № 55810 Quote
>>55806 asuka because shes into choking
Chud 05/14/24 (Tue) 20:33:32 № 55813 Quote
>>55810 you want to choke a 14 year old girl?
Chud 05/14/24 (Tue) 20:56:21 № 55822 Quote
>>55813 Equal rights equal fights
Chud 05/21/24 (Tue) 22:06:14 № 56176 Quote
Shinji mogs trooni
Chud 05/21/24 (Tue) 22:39:06 № 56188 Quote
>>56181 Some stupid tranny from a korean webcomic that that tranny namefaggot is obsessed with
Chud 05/22/24 (Wed) 21:24:34 № 56239 Quote
brimstone in the franxx lost btw
Chud 05/22/24 (Wed) 21:40:55 № 56242 Quote
Chud 05/25/24 (Sat) 01:43:40 № 56389 Quote
>>>56239 trvthnvke
Chud 05/25/24 (Sat) 05:23:54 № 56391 Quote
Anyways, will there ever be more evangelion content? Or has the well finally run dry?
Chud 05/25/24 (Sat) 21:35:42 № 56417 Quote
>>56400 I hope it’s misato’s milk
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 00:20:03 № 56434 Quote
>>56426 Only if I can pirate it
Chud 05/26/24 (Sun) 01:14:58 № 56437 Quote
>>56426 There is a torrent in
Chud 05/27/24 (Mon) 18:54:03 № 56540 Quote
>>56434 >>56437 replied to the wrong person award
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:19:58 № 61136 Quote
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:21:56 № 61140 Quote
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:23:27 № 61143 Quote
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:24:09 № 61146 Quote
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:31:08 № 61152 Quote
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:33:22 № 61155 Quote
brown skin
Chud 07/22/24 (Mon) 14:34:54 № 61156 Quote
Chud 07/23/24 (Tue) 00:16:20 № 61241 Quote
gem coal oldCHAD newGOD soot pedo Anton Maximov Max max Joe Biden some nobody froot root doll gemerald brimstone keyed locked
Chud 07/23/24 (Tue) 00:16:46 № 61242 Quote
no new wordfilters, nice
Chud 07/23/24 (Tue) 01:21:50 № 61254 Quote
Chud 07/23/24 (Tue) 07:48:05 № 61269 Quote
gurren aryann better but both shows keyed doebeit
Chud 07/23/24 (Tue) 14:15:05 № 61292 Quote
>>61269 how did you bump it
Chud 07/27/24 (Sat) 20:34:34 № 61753 Quote
>>61743 SEELE and Anno for making anything after End of Eva
Chud 08/17/24 (Sat) 02:01:10 № 63715 Quote
>>63714 if you can go for it
Chud 08/17/24 (Sat) 21:42:21 № 63752 Quote
>>63727 newGOD speaking, im retarded but how tf misato a groomer
Chud 08/17/24 (Sat) 21:43:38 № 63754 Quote
>>63726 I would marry my sister then, i mean
Chud 08/17/24 (Sat) 22:19:43 № 63764 Quote
>>63756 >out of context As it is always with these faggots
Chud 08/17/24 (Sat) 23:24:51 № 63769 Quote
Chud 08/18/24 (Sun) 20:06:44 № 63835 Quote
>>63714 follow up: i got them all downloaded, should i watch it in english because I watched the adv dub.
Chud 08/20/24 (Tue) 01:43:52 № 63945 Quote
so after the end eoe, the whole entire world turns into niggerhell?
Chud 08/20/24 (Tue) 05:28:38 № 63952 Quote
stick this thread
Chud 08/20/24 (Tue) 07:34:16 № 63953 Quote
delete this thread
Chud 08/20/24 (Tue) 20:18:35 № 63985 Quote
Chud 08/21/24 (Wed) 01:35:10 № 64002 Quote
Which is better, the OG or the rebuilds?
Chud 08/24/24 (Sat) 17:22:13 № 64266 Quote
>>64200 GETerald that raped Evaniggers
Chud 08/25/24 (Sun) 03:12:16 № 64308 Quote
Chud 09/09/24 (Mon) 17:50:19 № 65179 Quote
>>63835 Late comment but I recommend the Funimation dub for the first 3 Rebuilds because I know for sure it has most of the same cast of the main characters from the ADV dub (Shinji, Misato, Asuka for sure). The 4th Rebuild movie got licensed by Amazon only or some raisin, but the dub for it has at least Shinji and Misato's same voices as the ADV dub that I know of.
Chud 09/10/24 (Tue) 23:56:12 № 65272 Quote
>>65175 Yeah they clearly just needed a foid with glasses to satisfy the subhuman glasses fetishists, there's literally no other reason for the character to exist
Chud 09/11/24 (Wed) 00:48:21 № 65275 Quote
>>65272 isn't she supposed to be a stand in for anno's wife
Chud 09/12/24 (Thu) 06:12:26 № 65321 Quote
>>65275 Yes.
>>65272 Glasses + big oppai + smug = SISA
Chud 09/12/24 (Thu) 21:54:48 № 65345 Quote
>>53427 Yes. They’re Illuminati elites who adhere to the Kabbalah and their ultimate goal is to combine all races into orange mutt juice.
Somebody post the Neon Georgenesis Floydvangelion pasta video.
Chud 09/12/24 (Thu) 22:14:50 № 65346 Quote
>>53604 Hideaki Anno has stated that he wants to “Gundamize” Evangelion, basically license it to other directors and producers to make alternate timelines with the same general setting, etc. Currently there’s a light novel series called NGE Anima that’s an alternate timeline where Shinji is more of an alpha and he actually gets in the robot to help Asuka in time during the events of EoE and stops Seele. Then the story advances several years and the kids are all 17 and Toji gets a robotic leg and his own Eva. And the new villain is a Rei clone who controls a space station o algo. The focus is more on the mecha design really which kino (all the pilots’ Evas get upgraded). Also Mari is a lol catgirl who was infused with cat DNA.