Chud 04/14/24 (Sun) 00:45:49 № 52684 Quote
i only like that one spinoff i forgot it was called
Chud 04/14/24 (Sun) 23:08:28 № 52700 Quote
>>52683 i am the soy of my jak
Chud 04/15/24 (Mon) 15:47:01 № 52735 Quote
>>52685 King Arthur or Artoria isnt really trans per se its just that the books labelled her as a man due to misogyny of the British Kingdom.
Chud 04/15/24 (Mon) 15:49:48 № 52737 Quote
>>52684 The one where they just cook?
Chud 04/15/24 (Mon) 15:55:02 № 52739 Quote
>>52685 yup, im thinking kino
Chud 04/15/24 (Mon) 16:00:11 № 52741 Quote
>>52739 Pure kino, i may consider getting the light novel.
Chud 04/15/24 (Mon) 17:18:51 № 52753 Quote
>>52685 Did you fucking graduate from a toilet? If you fucking watched the damn anime or played the vn this was never the case. Instead the fucking kingdom wrote her off as a pooner and she never was from the get go.
Chud 04/16/24 (Tue) 03:56:28 № 52798 Quote
Chud 04/17/24 (Wed) 16:00:45 № 52822 Quote
Chud 04/19/24 (Fri) 05:06:24 № 52936 Quote
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 01:56:44 № 53278 Quote
Hey, can you tell your friends to stop posting the pink hair guy? He's starting to piss me off.
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 02:01:20 № 53280 Quote
>>53278 Who? Astolfo? I hate that fag. TFD (Total Femboy Death) is amazing.
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 02:26:53 № 53282 Quote
>>53280 Oh, so you goys hate him too? Nice.
Chud 04/25/24 (Thu) 03:06:29 № 53289 Quote
>>53282 I wouldn't even rape him
Chud 04/29/24 (Mon) 16:22:09 № 53547 Quote
Chud 06/21/24 (Fri) 23:07:58 № 57457 Quote
heres the link for the fate stay night vinny If you get the kag error, delete config.ksc file, make sure to delete the decensor, uncensor, and h dlc files if you are against gone surfing.
Mods its considered aswimdonware so dont worry.
Chud 06/21/24 (Fri) 23:09:12 № 57458 Quote
>>57457 post your porn game somewhere else
Chud 06/21/24 (Fri) 23:55:14 № 57461 Quote
>>57458 its the one with the porn removed, the realta nua version, here is your dumb tanned award.
Chud 06/22/24 (Sat) 23:44:08 № 57574 Quote
>>57538 is internet archive good?
Chud 06/23/24 (Sun) 02:18:28 № 57580 Quote
>>57579 Its a glowie dont click
Chud 06/30/24 (Sun) 01:58:18 № 58461 Quote
Chud 06/30/24 (Sun) 02:08:01 № 58462 Quote
>>58458 its not a jewgle download link thankfully, tried it and it works
Chud 06/30/24 (Sun) 19:19:14 № 58505 Quote
>>53289 why would you even consider it?
Chud 06/30/24 (Sun) 20:01:28 № 58508 Quote
>>58506 >iron ass anime its gem you retard because its filled with aryans.
Chud 07/02/24 (Tue) 10:49:07 № 58608 Quote
Do i have to read Tsukihime before or am I ok with just FSN?
Chud 07/02/24 (Tue) 13:52:44 № 58617 Quote
>>58608 You gotta read FNF too
Chud 08/09/24 (Fri) 21:29:58 № 62997 Quote
fate vinny is now on steam: vn like is no longer abandonware
Chud 08/09/24 (Fri) 21:56:26 № 63004 Quote
>>63003 ok jews made 'orn doe
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